2009 sea doo wake pro 215 trouble

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New Member
I have a 2009 sea doo wake pro I have had trouble cranking it . At first I just thought it was a dead battery because it made a clicking sound like the battery was dead so I charged the battery and it continued to make the clicking sound so I bought a new battery I installed the new battery and I tryed to crank it and it Crunk up 3 consecutive times then when I tryed to crank it the 4th time it made the clicking noise again and I was in a daze of confusion so I did my research and thought it might be the solenoid so I laid a screw driver across the solenoid to see if I could get the ski to crank but all I got was sparks and still clicking noise so now my belief is that the stater is mest up .... I would like to know if this sounds right ??? ...... I called a dealer today and they told me brand new starter was $450 but my plan is to take the starter out my self and get it rebuilt and it seems like it's going to be a pain in the ass to take the starter out because it's an awkward postion under the motor does anyone have any tips or a video of how to remove this starter or anything else that could be wrong with my ski thank you
Based on what you have done would say it is a connection issue or a defective starter.

The connection of the wires MUST be near perfect. The amperage to get the starter to work is substantial. If there is a bad connection it is like trying to start the ski using a small wire like that of normally wiring. It simply can not carry the amps and wattage that the starter needs to operate.
If you have a fully charged battery- new batteries still need to be charged! Then load test it (bring it to the local auto parts store for a load test, they normally do it for free) and if it passes said load test- when you short the starter solenoid studs it should crank like it did on day one of ownership. If it doesnt, then its either connections as Joe said or its the starter.
I unfortunately have never pulled a 4stroke starter so Im no help there. I would wiggle the PTO on the back of the motor and just make sure the engine isnt locked up. The 4 stroke section should turn you in the right direction.

Welcome to the best seadoo site out there! If I can help you with anything else just let me know.
I bet you like to golf? :)

Anyways, try to download a manual for that ski, it's free if you become a premium member to SDF or find it online somewhere else.
It usually has a detail instruction on how to do almost everything
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