2008 Challenger 230 SE 430HP, starboard engine no crank/start


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Premium Member

First time posting so I thank you for any info you can give.

Our right side motor refused to even try to start while on the water yesterday. It started at the launch but after we were done swimming on the lake, it would not start again. We limped in on the left motor.

I get two beeps when I put the DESS key in, but for whatever reason the right motor wont start. One time I got it to start in neutral but the revs were over 4000rpms...

I am thinking neutral switch?? Any other causes you could think of? Thank you!
I get two beeps when I put the DESS key in, but for whatever reason the right motor wont start. One time I got it to start in neutral but the revs were over 4000rpms...
You should be getting 4 beeps, 2 beeps for each engine consecutively. Does it crank? Normal crank speed? Does it pop at all? If it doesn't crank, have you tested your solenoid?
I am thinking neutral switch?? Any other causes you could think of? Thank you!
The neutral switch works for both engines, not just one.
One time I got it to start in neutral but the revs were over 4000rpms...
What did you do? Did it run fine just high rpm?

Overall, need more info to be of any real help.
You should be getting 4 beeps, 2 beeps for each engine consecutively. Does it crank? Normal crank speed? Does it pop at all? If it doesn't crank, have you tested your solenoid?
I do get 2 beeps for each engine. After a while I get 4 short beeps but I assume that this is just the "you have the dess key in but the motors arent started yet" warning.

The neutral switch works for both engines, not just one.
ah. so if it had anything to do with the neutral switch, it could be downstream wiring maybe? It certainly has no issue with the port side engine. it runs just fine at the idle limited 2000 rpm.

What did you do? Did it run fine just high rpm?

Overall, need more info to be of any real help.
this one time I basically didnt wait for the 2 beeps for the engine before i hit the start button. it randomly started but idled at 4000rpm. I wanted to run it longer but I didnt have my hose flush adapter at the time so I shut it down because it was not idling at the required 2000rpm in neutral.

As an aside, the starboard motor rpms arent synced and there is a little slack in the cable which i have adjusted once last year with success. Before it started refusing to start, the starboard engine was more like 1000rpms over what the port engine was running at when I was driving the boat. It was really weird.

Thank you again!!
it cranked today at normal crank speed. I called the dealer an hour away to see if they would run the stored codes and they said to bring it in, so I did. They found the throttle position sensor throwing codes. so it is being fixed tomorrow as well as the same engine's wear ring. Hoping for the best!!