I have a 2007 Challenger 180 with the supercharged (215HP) engine. This boat is new to me this year with 14 hours on it. I want to keep it at our family's boathouse, but the only dock gas available anywhere nearby is 89 octane. Will I be alright with this, or do I need to pull it out to get 91 everytime? The manual says 91 is recommended, but a minimum of 87 is okay. Any experience with this would be very helpful. Thanks!
I have a 2007 Challenger 180 with the supercharged (215HP) engine. This boat is new to me this year with 14 hours on it. I want to keep it at our family's boathouse, but the only dock gas available anywhere nearby is 89 octane. Will I be alright with this, or do I need to pull it out to get 91 everytime? The manual says 91 is recommended, but a minimum of 87 is okay. Any experience with this would be very helpful. Thanks!