2006 RXT starting issue

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New Member
I flipped my seadoo over in the water. When I did get it back over the engine compartment had filled up with water about an inch over the top of the battery. Got it out of the water and drained it. Afterwards it would not start. Put a new battery in it and still will not start. Tried jumping it across the starter solenoid cranks but that is it, does the same with the starter button. Any ideas?
Welcome to the seadoo forum Steve. I would check for spark at the spark plugs and squirt some wd-40 on the wiring and electrical connections to displace any water that might have gotten inside the components. The engine could have gotten water inside it too, check the dipstick for any white milky look in the oil as it is a sign of water in the engine. If it does have oil in the engine you need to get it fired up quickly so as not to do any damage to the internals of the engine.

Keep me posted on you progress.

Alright i pulled out the spark plugs and i noticed that there was liquid down in the bottom i siphoned some of it out to check it and from what i could tell it was a combination of water and gas in there. So next step?
The engine has water in it. I have a special proceedure to follow with water in a 4-tec engine....
You just dont crank it over like a 2 stroke...to get the water out...it isn't that hard just a different way to do things. Pull the dip stick ...is it milky?

when i pulled the dipstick there is no milky looking substance around it. But doesnt mean there isnt any water there, i did notice some water beads on the dipstick.
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