That dang jet ski
New Member
So I'm at a bit of a loss for what is wrong with my jetski. I have a 2005 Seadoo RXT. I put it in the water about a week ago after being outside all winter in Minnesota which it was winterized for. However, when I went to drive it that day and also the next weekend, It wasn't able to reach the correct rpm's. Normally it reaches around 8000 rpm but now it's only reaching 5900 rpm with a not very powerful acceleration. I thought it was a bad supercharger since they are suppose to be rebuilt every 2 years or 100 hours. The supercharger is about 3 years old but the ski only has about 23 hours on it since it got rebuilt, I couldn't freely spin the supercharger so i figured it might not be that. I don't know much about spark plugs and I tried re-arranging the order of them but that didn't work. there is some water in the hull but it did rain hard here in the past couple days (I keep the jetski on a boat lift on the Mississippi river with the fabric cover on it when not in use so it still gets rained on) not sure if rain can find its way into the hull. Also, the yellowish see-through tube coming from the engine coolant tank is detached, the black one is still going to the engine but i'm not sure if the yellow tube is suppose to connect to anything or just to pull in air. Sorry, I don't know much about this so terminology might be hard. I'd just like to know if this is something that I can diagnose/fix before I take it in to a shop. Thanks so much for any suggestions.