2005 RXT Not building rpms

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bill t

New Member
I have a 2005 RXT that is only making 6000 rpms and a top speed of 50, we changed the plugs and ran a can of SeaFoam(injector cleaner) through it but stayed the same. Need Help, any ideas?
Thanks Timmy...This might sound stupid but what does the wear ring and the impeller have to do with rpms? What is the proper clearance?:stupid:
the clearance should be no more than 1mm. If more, than water isnt get'n directed directly thru impellor, but around it, caus'n less thrust=less top speed. However, for the RPM, compar'n to sisters honda(yah, i know), its rpm limits at 6k, but top speed is 65....
We are usually around 7600-8000 wide open at 70 mph on the gauge, I could see the wear ring slowing down the mph but (in my mind) wouldn't the rpms go high and speed stay down since it's not getting enough water through the impeller? It comes out of the water and gets on plane just fine..it just quits pulling right at 50mph/6000rpm. It even sounds good.
yep...cavitation would cause higher RPM, but lack of MPH, thats why I thru out there the honda....how about the air intake?
Timmy....the rpms aren't going higher though they are staying low as if I had a fuel problem(lack of) or a spark issue. It jumps out of the whole as if nothing was wrong..then falls an its face, so to speak.
the air intake seems fine...What should I be looking for there? Many thanks for your help so far, hopefully we can get this figured out.
not enough air get'n in, then performance wont be there. also, a hunch, but check throttle linkage, maybe not pull'n alldaway...
That's good one...I'll check it this weekend when I get back around it. I'll let you know. Thanks, Are there any fuel filters on this I should check as well?

a couple of checks. check that your fuel pump is putting out enough fuel pressure. make sure your exhaust system isn't blocked. or you could have a defective supercharger. if this doesn't work i would take it to the dealer to check it on the b.u.d.d.s system.
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