2005 challenger 180 wake tower

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New Member
Hi I have a 2005 challenger 180 215Hp and want to fit a wake tower, I Have seen a couple of guys on here(rexsteiner ) who have the monster MT2 tower fitted, I just wondered how the front supports back plates were attached as I can see no way to get inbetween the inner and outer hull at the front of the boat, please help or advise on a tower that will fit my boat and look good
Many thanks Barry
Another member did an awesome write up with tons of pics. I cant remember his user name though but it was a great writeup and you can search it out on the internet. It was a joystick tower I think.
thanks for that, I have seen that great write up, but that was a challenger 2000 which has easy access to the front inner hull, my challenger 180 is proving much more of a challenge, excuse the pun!! any other ideas please
thanks Barry
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