2003 XPdi- "rear cylinder air pump" malfunction?

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2003 XPdi- "rear cylinder air pump" malfunction?

My ski continually was going into limp mode so I had to take it to the SD dealer to have them put it on the computer. The tech just called me and said that the ski keeps throwing a "rear cylinder air pump" code. He clears the code and 10 minutes later it goes into limp mode with the same problem.

He said that he didn't think that the air pump (or injection?) was bad.

Has anyone experienced this problem?
compression test...

This is kinda why I never liked the DI models........that damn air compressor. If he says the compressor dishcharge test is good and there is no problem with the front cylinder, then maybe you've got a bad gasket or faulty hose. This is kinda hard to tell without ou going out and testing stuff.......
Remember, and this is only my OPINION, repair facilities need your money!...So, although not all are bad, I think the majority charge too much and to stay in business, make up things along the way. I'm a very pessimistic person when it comes to repair shops. I"ve even seen, on 20/20 some of the number 1, top shops caught setting peoples stuff up, so they'd have to bring it back in........this was the Sears automotive and Firestone ...and others.........so, I'm probably not the person to ask that question............I have used a repair shop once in my life.....that's it!:cheers:
I am with you 99.999%! Dealerships & Las Vegas have a lot in common... they both need your money to keep the lights on & the facade kept up for the next suckers!

In this situation though this specific mechanic is personal friends with 3 people my brother raced with. They are all a tight nit group and he has brought my ski in two other times and did work (or pointed stuff out) at no charge. Unfortunately the laptop & DESS equipment is OLD and I've seen it crap out right when I was standing there watching him.

SDsnipe, remember when this all started... I had mistakenly left one of the plug wires off & the engine had two major backfires? One that blew off that rear exhaust hose. Could this be another problem due to that explosion?

The issue also is that they just sold the Seadoo part of their business and they rarely work on Seadoos anymore.

What specifically should I ask that they look at? You said a gasket? Air compressor? bad sensor?

I would take it out to the lake myself>> but because it keeps going into limp mode I think it would be ANOTHER wasted trip (number 4 to be exact).
Probably right....

Your probably right......and if you got a dealer that you can trust.....your one of the lucky few. I know they are out there, met a few myself. But I've also seen the ones that sucker people in.....
Real funny story....the shops seem to prey on the women riders. She brought her ski in, it was misfiring....could have been a host of anything, but most likely, a dirty carb filter or just a carb rebulild.....long story short...I was pretending to be looking at things in the shop, as a customer (which I was there to pick up a part for a Mercury engine) and the mechanic, who had that look on his face, as he wiped his brow.....mam, the motor may be shot. There is oil on your plugs (duh huh, it's a 2 cycle....not uncommon) She seemed distraught and asked if that was bad? As soon as he realized she was clueless to the function of the engine, he went on to explain that, "I think the electronic ignition is sending a faulty signal to the propeller sensor and it's telling it to stay in neutral. That's why it won't run and is popping. So I may have to drop the lower end. If I have to do that, I may as well replace the drive shaft and worm gear, since they could be warped. She looked puzzled and asked the price. He told her $800 bucks, but he'd cut her a $50 dollar break.
I was so bummed, I wanted to look at her and tell her to take it somewhere else and ask another mechanic to rebuild her carbs..........
I"ve just seen first hand, so many un-suspecting people get shafted, it wreches my heart out of my chest. In the end, God (if there is a God), will enact his revenge on as*holes like that who screw people over.
That's why I'm here. I have finally found a way to share what I know to help people out, for either the small price for a premium membership but if they can't afford it........I'll help them for free!
The best part.............I'm not the only one here who is trying to help others. There are several good mechanics in this forum that I have now become friends with.............
Sorry to jack your thread and get on my soap box.......
What I was going to say, I just got my boat in the water, but I'll go over your compressor system and look for an "0" ring or seal of some type, because yes, if you backfired, and it was the cylinder that he's referring to you getting the fault code on, then that is the reason why. It may be a damaged sensor, but I'll have to do a bit of reading into the manual. I"ll print this mail and lay it on my desk so that when I'm finished boating.....I'll come back to it right away.
But I do think your problem is either local around the backfire, or the backfire was created, not only by you forgetting to put your wire on, but this compressor system................sorry for the long post.
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