2003 gtx supercharger

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New Member
someone please clear up the confusion. Does the stock 2003 gtx supercharger have steel clutch washers or ceramic? One "expert "says the 03 sc has steel and that seadoo did not start using ceramic until 04. Another "expert" tells me that all the sc have ceramic clutch washers. Some of the after market parts list tend to support that 03 had steel sc clutch washers. Please don't respond with opinion . I need facts. HELP http://seadooforum.com/images/smilies/icon_sad.gif
I just read a post from a seadoo master that In febuary of 2004 Seadoo sent out a tech bulletin about not using synthetic oil in their supercharged motors because of the new clucth that they use in the 2004 superchargers. This was when they started useing ceramic clutches. I have allso read from this same pro not to use synthetic oil in your supercharged engine. I would have liked to left a opinion but you stated not too. So good luck Robin :cheers:
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