2003 GTX 4-TEC not getting to full speed

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New Member
Hello all. I recently purchased a 2003 GTX 4-TEC. When I bought it I immediately changed the plugs and oil. I think I may have overfilled the oil even the the dipstick doesn't even register any oil.

We took it down to the lake with us and it was running about 57-60MPH. I thought it would be faster. Later in the week I could only get up to about 45MPH. I did find some fishing line and removed the intake grate and pulled it all out. The weird thing is now that it almost feels like I'm getting prop wash when I nail it out of the hole. Almost like when I had to small of a prop on my boat. It could just be in my head though since I'm trying to figure out what's going on. I am getting to MAX RPM. I've also checked it against my boat and GPS to make sure it wasnt just the speedometer being messed up. Sounds like it's firing on all 3. The wear ring looks beat up and the prop shows some nicks in it.

What should the MAX speed be?

How many quarts of oil should be in the GTX and why would'nt it show on the dipstick? I think I put in 5. I see a small bit of white smoke coming from the propulsion drive so this i why I think it may be too high.

Can too much oil slow it down or foul plugs?

I'm not sure what else to do now.

Thanks for your help.
Use the search function.....you'd be surprised how much info has already been shared.

What your getting is cavitation because your wear ring is worn. You need to replace. Top end on my 2004 GTX supercharge is about 63 -65 on the dream-meter. GPS was 61. I put in a new Solas impeller, wear ring, intake grate and 2.5 degree wedge. I'm now getting about 68 on the speedo, 65 GPS.

As far as oil, you need to run the ski and make sure it's warm before you check the oil.
I would replace your wear ring first. If that doesn't fix it, then fix your impeller. That will most likely correct the problem.

A known issue with the 03 GTX SC is the pastic pump housing. With all of the torque, the plastic pump housing warps and will eventually cause cavitation. I would keep your eyes open for a metal pump housing.
2003 gtx sc

sounds like you need to replace wear ring and impeller or at least have it reconditioned. Have two 2003 SC's and both had the pumps upgraded to 2004 metal housing due to 2003 housings were plastic and the flexed causing cavitation and lost of speed and especially on the pick-up. May even want to check with Seadoo as the housing was a big problem on the 2003 SC's and dealers were replacing them under warranty in 2004
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