I had the engine over-heating alarm go off last time out for the season. As soon as the alarm went off my daughter shut it down and got towed back. I noticed a orange hose with a burned out hole in it. I thought maybe this was the cause for the alarm, the bilge area was getting hot. I did check to see if water was being pumped in and out of the intake. The out-take was shooting water out. I took the unit to the shop to have it looked at and winterized. The shop called me and said the unit was having low compression readings and was wondering how the unit started and ran. They said an internal water pump may have gone out to cause the over-heating. What caught me by surprise was the statement that the DI engine was Seasdoo's worst one. They were seeing and reading that problems were developing between 80 to 120 hours. I only have 80 hours on the unit. I would like to think that properly maintained I would see 500 hours. The shop gave me an estimate to repair $3500. I need another opinion before I drop that kind of change. Has anyone heard of or experienced any issues like this before.