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2001 seadoo gti dies in the water when throttling up

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New Member
Okay so here is the problem.

-last time i took my gti out it would die in the water if i throttled up all the way & went over 20mph.
-when i got it home thought i got the jets going (thought it was a jet problem in the carb) and when i throttle up fully @ home it does fine.
-took it out today and the same problem, but now if i even throttle up to past 10mph it dies and if i throttle up to 10mph for more than a few secs it will speed up then bog down and die on me.
- i brought it home & when i flushed it i could throttle it up all the way fine.
- so i can throttle up all the way on land when flushing, but throttling it up in the water it dies, what is going on?

plz help, thanx...
This is what seadoosnipe told me and he was dead on.

"You'll need to remove your air box cover and flame arrestor. You may need to use a mirror to angle into the throat of the carbs. You might need a flashlight to see better. Now, angle the mirror just right and you'll see these two brass nipples, about 3/8" long, sticking out into the path of the air flow. These are your accelerator pump nipples. They give the carbs a shot of gas till the engines pistons create enough vacuum to draw the fuel in on it's own.

You might need a friend to help you with the throttle because your gonna really want to focus on those nipples. Have someone wind the throttle open. When they do this, the first 1/4 turn, you should see a squirt of gas come from each nipple, into the carb. Look well because you'll only have a time or two before the pump will be out of fuel. Then, you'll have to start it to make the fuel pump send gas back to the accelerator pump.

Usually, the brass nipples get gummed up. You can clean them by removing the small lines and make an extension line with tubing, use a can of carb cleaner and give a good squirt through to clean them.

If the pump diaphragm is bad......that's not gonna be cheap. That little 1" square pump cost around $200 bucks to replace."
before i do that i have a question. why does it not stall out when im out of the water running it and throttle completely compared to when im in the water and i throttle and it stalls out? thanx for your help btw...
before i do that i have a question. why does it not stall out when im out of the water running it and throttle completely compared to when im in the water and i throttle and it stalls out? thanx for your help btw...

got no load on the pump(water), bro...you try disconnect'n the red and yellow wires from rectifier. Bad rectifier will cause the same syptom..
so it may be the rectifier? i know the rectifier is that little box bolted to the mpem, but what does it do exactly? if i disconnect the red & yellow wires how will i know exactly. i see what your saying how i got no load on the water pump. the rectifier can be the whole water pump issue? thanx 4 the help...
dont throw in towell yet

if its a bad rectifier, than your motor aint get'n accurate spark, in turn, less movement of water thru the pump. Disconnect the wires real quick, have a fully charged battery when retest'n, and dont stray to far from dock, but far enuf from wake zone, see if it throttles up, if not, rectifier aint the culprit, but think it needs a carb rebuild and/or check for exhaust leak...(ride with seat off)
Have you tried running it the reserve setting? Mine was bogging out / dying when I throttled it up. Put the fuel selector to res and it was ok. The selector was gummed up from the gray lines, and needed to be cleaned out.
i dropped it off for repair, in se fl there is an awesome jet ski repairman that only charges $55/hr. he has seen it b4, he's doing a carb rebuild for 2 hrs labor plus the $55 carb rebuild kit, throwing in an alignment too. he's gonna chk the fuel tank as well to make sure there isnt water in it. he has contracts with marinas around the area and has been doing it 4ever, he has repaired mine b4 & i know he wont scam me...
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