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2001 RXDI cavatating??

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New Member
Hey guys, New to the forum. I have a 2001 RXDI. I bought it used, but barely. When I first got it seemed to really bite the water and launch, But now it seams to cavatate(sp?). This occurs when just accelerating straight on initial planing. If I really ease into the throttle it does not do it. I know it didn't used to do this. Once up on plane at about half throttle I can gun it and it will bite like normal.
I just had a new impeller installed, not a performance model, just a replacment. It just feels like the thing is suck air from somewhere into the impeller, which cause the engine to scream with no affect. Also, it feels like since this has been happening I maybe getting some slop in the drive, not sure though. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you
what I mean is did it do it before the new impeller was installed or only after...or both it made no differance installing it.
how is the wear ring? did they replace it at the same time as the impeller? Wait you had a shop replace the impeller for you because of the problem it was having but the shop then did not tell you what the real problem was then?
Well, I don't know about the wear ring. A while back the splines on the impeller shaft got stripped and the impeller didn't turn. Not sure how. I had that fixed by a friend who owns a marine repair shop, not a seadoo dealer/mech. In that process I went ahead and put on the impellar as the old one was worn. I am afraid now that this cavitation is what caused the stripped splines. The ski is still rideable, its just lost most of its bite out of the hole. Now Im worried I causing more damage, it seems to have some slack in the drive at idle. Which may be what caused the spline stripping.
I don't know.
would it be worth pulling it apart to see if that is the problem again? It could have cause problems to the inner when the shaft splines let go, and could possibly be ruining your new splines? just a thought
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