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2001 gts trouble starting

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New Member
I am in Canada, and have just put my 2001 gts in the water. Battery connections are good, everything was fine last year when I took it out of the water, but now it will not start regularly.

Battery has been charged, fuses look OK.

I put on the lanyard and got 2 beeps and it started fine. I took it out on the water, and then it died. I put the dess(lanyard) back on and I got no beeps. It was dead. I pulled it into shore checked eveything again and still no beeps.
I put a different battery in and still nothing. I left it for a few minutes, and then got the 2 beeps when I put the lanyard back on and it started perfectly and off I went.

Next day everything is good, I am out on the water for about 1 hour and as I am about 1/2 mile from dock it quits. I thought my daughter had just pulled the switch off, but I replaced it etc. and nothing. towed it into shore.

I messed around with it again at the dock prior top going home, but got frustrated and left.

I am thinking it might be battery, or safety lanyard, but I haven't really a clue. I really don't want to be out on the water and have this happen again. It just seems weird that it would full out quit going almost full throttle.

The switch is good and clean, but please offer up suggestions as to what it could be. This was not happening last season.

I'd say check the start / stop switch

Also you can replace the DESS post for about $20.00

Check the grounds on the starter. Also take a wire brush to the leads on the battery and battery cables. Put some dielectric compound on the connections.
Thanks for the reply. If I were to replace the DESS post, would the lanyard/kill switch have to be re-programed?

I will also check the start/stop switch, but what is the easiest way to do this? DO I take apart the steering area, and go from there?


There is a bit of water in the engine area, about an inch high. I did not think to drain that, but could that be causing a problem as I believe the starter is down there, and perhaps it is shorting out?

Thanks for you help,
replac'n the post, wont require the key to be re-programmed. Only other advise, is to check the ground cable and red cables for brakage/corroded conditions at the terminal ends.
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