2001 Challenger Pulls Heavily to the right

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New Member
It has the twin 85's, and I have to turn the wheel all the way to the left just to go straight. Also, when I max the left turn on the wheel, the left engine revs from idle of 3300 rpm, to 4500 rpm.

Any thoughts? I've reviewed the other posts, and they deal with various things from cables, nozzle toe-in, bolts, etc, so I was wondering if someone had had this issue with this boat, and what had actually worked for them.
Sounds like your right engine or pump isn't Kicking out any power. If your RPM gauge is indicating the engine is working, then I'd be looking at the pump assembly. Wouldn't hurt to do a compression test all around while you are at it.

The jump in RPM is normal as it gives you a slight boost in power at the far left/right stop to assist you in docking the boat at low speed.
Compression is good, or good enough, on both engines; within 5% for each cylinder, and around 130, I believe, but I'm guessing as it was a while ago. Couldn't hurt to check again. Also, I just remembered the right engine was vibrating heavily, probably a half inch of total movement from side to side.

So, just to make sure I understand, it's supposed to pop the rpm when you hit the steering max, on the same side as you're steering? So all the way left on the wheel pops the left engine up? That would make you go right though, the opposite of what you're trying to do.

What things can I check on the actual pump?
Do your RPM's also go up when you turn full right? If not I'm going to guess you need a cable adjustment. I wonder if you're getting some cavitation from the right side from all that vibration opening the seals?
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I haven't gone full right yet, I'll have to try that. I don't think cavitation is it, as there is no froth at idle or low speeds, yet it is still pulling incredibly to the right. Good idea though, thanks for the suggestion.

Someone mentioned engine balancers for the vibration; do these engines have those, like a car engine does?
There are motor mounts. Maybe your's are loose. I don't know enough about them to suggest a fix. My challenger 1800 pulled to the right too, the right pump was cavitating though and not pushing as hard as the left. I think cdnjaguar already mentioned that possibility.
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There are motor mounts. Maybe your's are loose. I don't know enough about them to suggest a fix. My challenger 1800 pulled to the right too, the right pump was cavitating though and not pushing as hard as the left. I think cdnjaguar already mentioned that possibility.

Does anyone on here know where the mounts are and how to adjust them?
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