New Member
So I just got the motor put in (its a 240hp efi) and the timing set as well as the TPS set. The engine idles nice 1000rpm) and will rev smoothly through the entire range of the throttle movement. The problem is it tops out at about 4200rpm. I went back and checked the tps and its still a perfect .299 volts at idle position. The problem I'm seeing is that the throttle doesn't seem to pull the linkage all the way forward. When I set up the tps I did it with the throttle cable disconnected and the cam being pulled all the way forward by a helper. I got the full throttle voltage to read ~7.4 so I figured everything was good. After putting the boat in and seeing that I could only get 4200rpm I went back and checked the tps and I'm seeing that the throttle will only pull the tps to about ~5.6 volts. I took the helm apart as I did read once that there are different cable mounts that give it different pull lengths. It was mounted on the center hole so I moved it to the outer hole (appeared to be longer throw) and put it back together. I now get ~6.0 volts and about 4500 rpm but I can still grab the throttle cam pull it ahead more. I've adjusted the cable as tight as I can see being able to without affecting the idle setting. Is there something that I am missing as far as adjusting something goes? All tps adjustments were done with the port side head sensor disconnected. This boat is new to me and I'm still trying to figure everything out. Thanks!