2001 challenger 1800 sat for 10 years

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New Member
I have 4 questions I hope you guys can answer.

1)I have a 2001 challenger 1800 240 EFI that sat for 10 years.
Just put in a new battery and when I turn on the key a relay (lookin at the motor from the drivers seat - right side) just keeps clicking and the starter spins but does not engage.
Are these related and what needs to be fixed/replaced?

2)Also after sitting for 10 years what should be done to the boat before attempting to start it?

3)Once I get it running I need to deal with the issue that in 2004 the last time it was in the water it would idle fine but cavitate whenever the idle was raised and really go nowhere.

4)I plan to get the impeller reworked what else should I plan for? If it still cavitates what else could be wrong?

OK... let's just dive into it.

1) On the Starboard side, you have the starter and the solenoid. The solenoid is the electrical contactor, and we know it's working because the starter is spinning. The gear on top of the starter is just inertia engaged. When the starter spins... it's slung up on a ramp. Knowing it's stat for a long time... I would say that there is just some rust behind it, and it's stuck. I would take the starter off, and remove the bendex, and clean/grease behind it. Also... even though the battery is new.... it could be weak. If the voltage is low, it may not pop up either. SO... make sure to put a good charge in it.

2) I would drain the oil out of the 2-stroke tank, and replace it. I would also service the pump oil. (gear case and stator) If there is any fuel in the tank... it will be rotten. It's needs drained. (do not just put fresh fuel on top of it) Along with that, I would put in new spark plugs, and while they are out... I would use a good quality fogging oil, and hose the interior of the engine, to coat any rust there may be inside. And finally... I would add 2oz/gal of 2-stroke oil to the main fuel tank, to help protect the engine, as it wakes.

3) Cavataion is from high clearance in the pump... or an air leak. If you know the impeller is beat up... replace it, and you should be OK.

4) We will deal with that once you get the pump serviced, and if you still have an issue.
Thanks for your reply. What do you thing the clicking relay is? It just clicks constantly as soon as the key is turned to the on position not just the start position.
Do you think it is stuck or it is supposed to sound like that after sitting before being started.

Fuel tank might be empty. I will get out there tomorrow and have a look at all these things.
I'm not sure until you post a pic of the part that's clicking. Since that statement, is in the same part as the "Starter spinning" comment... I figured it was the solenoid. BUT... it won't continue to click. If it is clicking, then the starter would also be spinning with it.

So... put your finger on the part clicking, and take a pic.
Sorry for the delay. Here is the picture of the clicking relay.
I left the ignition on for several minutes and it did eventually stop clicking.


  • Boat Relay.jpg
    Boat Relay.jpg
    540.1 KB · Views: 36

That's the relay for the electric fuel pump just in front of your knuckles. It should click, and send power to the pump... but it should stay on until the engine starts. (once running, that pump shuts off)

If it's clicking back and forth... then you may have a bad relay. Fortunately... it's a generic Botch 20a relay. You can get one from your local auto parts store.
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