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2000XP - Bent Driveshaft??

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New Member
Hi All,
First post here -- great forum!! Apologies in advance for the long post.

Here's the situation -- my son's 2000XP (purchased used) had a little bit of hesitation last month when he took the ski out for first use of the season. Otherwise, seemed to run great.

So, he took it to a local dealer to have it checked. They recommended rebuilding both carbs, replacing the impeller (it was chewed-up on one flange), and re-build the jet pump. All parts & labor came to about $1450, but thought it was a reasonable investment to get the thing running tip-top.

When we picked up the ski, they advised there was a "slight vibration" due to a worn seal carrier around the drive shaft, causing the shaft to be mis-aligned. Estimate was $250 parts & labor to replace the seal carrier, but they stated it was extremely minor (probably un-noticeable if they didn't point it out) and said to fix it when coming in for end-of-season winterization.

Son took the ski out last weekend. The only noticeable issue was that the ski didn't seem to 'engage' the drive mechanism at first (engine would rev, but ski wouldn't move). Then it would 'catch' and move fine. After about 30 mins, the ski starts to take on water and almost sinks. Engine gets water into it, but the ski was towed by a couple of friends, saving it from sinking.

They pulled the plugs & cranked engine to get water out. Engine then restarted fine. Rear compartment showed a torn boot (that's where it took on water), metal shavings all around the driveshaft. With the dealer rep looking on, we started the engine and the shaft was all over the place.

Two hours later, we get a call -- drive shaft is bent which caused the tear in the boot. Dealer says its due to jumping wakes/waves. Another $850 to replace the driveshaft and the previously-mentioned worn seal carrier.

So here's my question(s):
- are the driveshafts on these things so fragile that bending them is common? Son says there was no abuse since he was taking it easy for the new parts to break-in. The ski was used in a protected bay, so there weren't very many (or large) waves or wakes last Saturday.
- what else could explain/cause a bent driveshaft?
- could the dealer's tech have made a mistake in re-assembling causing something like this to happen?
- did the dealer tech overlook something in their check of the ski?

I'm just trying to get a handle on whether this was operator error/abuse, if the 2000 XP is prone to this sort of thing, how to avoid, etc.

Thanks in advance,
sounded like, you took the bait on 1500 buks the first go around, so only takes 5 minutes to swap out a driveshaft...? Cant say they did it, but got another 800 bones out of you.:(

No there not, thats what these things are made for...unless you beached it, and rocks went thru, lock'n the pump up, then that;ll bend the shaft
sounded like, you took the bait on 1500 buks the first go around, so only takes 5 minutes to swap out a driveshaft...? Cant say they did it, but got another 800 bones out of you.:(

No there not, thats what these things are made for...unless you beached it, and rocks went thru, lock'n the pump up, then that;ll bend the shaft

Thanks for the response.

Would wave/wake jumping cause it to bend if catching 2-3 feet of air and keeping throttle open -- un-loading resistance, re-loading it real quick? It definately wasn't beached, no rocks, pump wasn't locked...running fine except for the shaft.

The $850 includes $250 for the seal carrier removal/re-install, so its 6 Franklins for the shaft alone.
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