2000 XP carburetor problem??

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New Member
Ok, the prblem I'm having is that when I first put the ski in the water it will run fine for about 5-10 minutes. (And by fine I mean it jumps out of the water and I can push 60-65 mph) After which, at about 4000 RPM it will start cutting out and bogging down. If I keep the throttle at full during this time the rpm's max out at 3000 and the ski eventually slows to 10 mph. If I let off the throttle and let it slow to an idle and then jump on the throttle again it will shoot out of the water as it supposed to but only for a few feet and then bogs down again. Now if I slowly give it throttle from idle, keeping it at or below 4k RPM's, it will run fine. I'm not a jet ski mechanic and only have basic knowledge of them. From what I gathered the 00 XP had dual carbs. What I'm thinking is that there is a carb that handles lower rpms and one for higher rpms...It feels like the card that is controls the higher rpms is pushing too much gas causing the ski to bog down. does this sound feasible? if so, how do I fix.
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