Last fall I had my 2000 twin rotax 14" challenger in for repairs as it was running very poorly. The mechanic I had taken it to told me there was some fuelling issues with both engines, He cleaned the fuel tank, rebuilt the carbs, replaced all filters, replaced the spark plugs and then after still having fuelling issues he told me that the engines had low crankcase compression therefore the engines could not create enough vacuum the pull in the required fuel. He then added two external electronic fuel pumps which he said would fix the problem. He had the boat in the lake and informed me that the boat was running good and I could pick it up. Well, just today we put the boat in the lake and it still runs like crap. the starboard engine idles poorly but runs good once it gets over 2000 rpm and the port engine gets to about 4500 rpm stays there even when at full throttle, then once in awhile revs up to 7000 and then shuts down. Another thing I noticed is that the exhaust system gasket is completely deteriorated when the exhaust exits the engine bay therefore leaking water in. Could this cause an issue, as I have heard that these engines are very susceptible to exhaust pressures?
What a PITA!! :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance
Last fall I had my 2000 twin rotax 14" challenger in for repairs as it was running very poorly. The mechanic I had taken it to told me there was some fuelling issues with both engines, He cleaned the fuel tank, rebuilt the carbs, replaced all filters, replaced the spark plugs and then after still having fuelling issues he told me that the engines had low crankcase compression therefore the engines could not create enough vacuum the pull in the required fuel. He then added two external electronic fuel pumps which he said would fix the problem. He had the boat in the lake and informed me that the boat was running good and I could pick it up. Well, just today we put the boat in the lake and it still runs like crap. the starboard engine idles poorly but runs good once it gets over 2000 rpm and the port engine gets to about 4500 rpm stays there even when at full throttle, then once in awhile revs up to 7000 and then shuts down. Another thing I noticed is that the exhaust system gasket is completely deteriorated when the exhaust exits the engine bay therefore leaking water in. Could this cause an issue, as I have heard that these engines are very susceptible to exhaust pressures?
What a PITA!! :banghead::banghead::banghead:
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance