2 seater vs 2 seater

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New Member
I am new to this forum and about to buy my first ski. My wife and I just moved to a home on the river and think a jet ski is a must have. I located a used 2002 RX Di with 68 hours, but my question is: Would we be happier with a 3 seater instead of this 2 seater? We are in our mid forties and will very occasionaly want to pull a tube.

2 seater....

If your the only two in the family, then why would you think about getting the three seater? The three seater verses the two seater is like the difference between a station wagon and a sedan. The 2 seater will be more sportier and a bit faster, sharper turns and agility. The 3 seater will still be fast, but will be more stable, less initial power burst......so, really, the choice would be based on whether you want sport, or comfort.
Oh, BTW, I'd think about another type ski than a DI model. Not that it's a bad ski, there are just a couple extra systems on them that have been known to cause a few problems. Namely the compressor used in the Direct Injection (DI)........so, if you can find a RFI (Rotax fuel injected) or even a naturally aspirated ski, you may find yourself with a more reliable, less down time, type ski.
I hate saying that about these nice PWC's.....but in my experience, if I were going out to buy one and wanted fuel injection, it would be the RFI....
Sorry to all you DI lovers.....it's just my preference!......:cheers:
Let me toss in my 2-cents...

I have a 96 XP, and I assume they would call it a "2-seater". My wife HATES it!:ack:

It really is a squirrely ski. I LOVE it because it is fast and maneuverable. I like to hot-dog it around, jump waves off the beach, get into the wave and "surf" it, etc. My wife wants a "cruiser"...something she can sit on the back (or front) of, and just putt around without any chance of it tipping her over into the water.

She is already shopping for a Sea-Doo boat (like the one in KustomKarl's avatar) or "strongly encouraging" me to find a big-block jet boat like I had when I was growing up.

So, take this into account when you try to decide if you guys want a sportier ski or a cruiser...:cheers:
Buy a 3 seater thay are not like the older ones the new ones are fast and can turn just as good as a sport model plus it must be a 3 seater to pull a tube or skier in most states. I love mine.:)
I would suggest with the season almost upon us, to shop around and see if you can get a test ride or two on a couple different models. I wouldn't buy till you ride one anyway. That would be the best thing you cold do.

P.S. I also have a 1997 challenger in mint condition loaded, I might want to sell.
My $.02 worth

I'd go with the three seater, easier to balance plus you will have a third person wanting to get on it sooner or later...
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