Hey everyone. Ive benn reading on here for couple of weeks trying to find the right seadoo for me. I had a budget of 600 and i found a deal i think....u guys can tell me if i did or not lol...
So i was told one worked and one is a part ski. Fired up and ran great on trailer. When i bought it. Next day i take it to the water. It wont idle in the water. It fires just fine but have to keep it revved above 1000 rpm. So i push off the dock and try to go. It bogs and dies. Do this aboit 4 times to get back to the dock.start it upet in run about 5 min then i goto take of again and is running good. Full throttle no problem. Ski goes pretty good.
Go back to dock to get my fiance to take a test ride and we hop on basicly flipped thing half way over couple times trying to get on. Dont think this ski is meant for a fat 300 lb guy and fiance lol. Water in hull now. Somehow water got in engine and wouldnt start again. Time to go home..
Get home get water out by taking plugs and cranking. Water eveywhere.. but i get it to fire agiain and runs fine on trailer. take a closer look.i found that the oil injection line was broke. I replaced oil lines. Bleed the oil the way manual says.
Now it fires up and idles fine but when i hit the gas it boggs down or backfires and then dies. I fix a problem now it runs worse.... i did move low speed screws but put them back where they originally were. I mite have turned the idle screw reaching under carbs to replace oil injection lines.i duno.
Im new to seadoos its my first one.
Compression is 90 in each cylinder but i am 75 percent sure my tester is broken.
Second ski was flooded and left with water in the head.siezed it stuck. I put oil in heads and unseized engine. It has better compression then running seadoo. 105 and 110.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone
So i was told one worked and one is a part ski. Fired up and ran great on trailer. When i bought it. Next day i take it to the water. It wont idle in the water. It fires just fine but have to keep it revved above 1000 rpm. So i push off the dock and try to go. It bogs and dies. Do this aboit 4 times to get back to the dock.start it upet in run about 5 min then i goto take of again and is running good. Full throttle no problem. Ski goes pretty good.
Go back to dock to get my fiance to take a test ride and we hop on basicly flipped thing half way over couple times trying to get on. Dont think this ski is meant for a fat 300 lb guy and fiance lol. Water in hull now. Somehow water got in engine and wouldnt start again. Time to go home..
Get home get water out by taking plugs and cranking. Water eveywhere.. but i get it to fire agiain and runs fine on trailer. take a closer look.i found that the oil injection line was broke. I replaced oil lines. Bleed the oil the way manual says.
Now it fires up and idles fine but when i hit the gas it boggs down or backfires and then dies. I fix a problem now it runs worse.... i did move low speed screws but put them back where they originally were. I mite have turned the idle screw reaching under carbs to replace oil injection lines.i duno.
Im new to seadoos its my first one.
Compression is 90 in each cylinder but i am 75 percent sure my tester is broken.
Second ski was flooded and left with water in the head.siezed it stuck. I put oil in heads and unseized engine. It has better compression then running seadoo. 105 and 110.
Any info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone