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1999 XP Ltd. run all day then won't start

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New Member
Hi, I have a 1999 XP Ltd. I've only had this ski for 2 weeks now and am new to these machines. I've only ridden this machine 3 times. When I bought it, it started right up, out of the water. Took it home, went to ride a week later and it wouldn't start out of water. Would just turn over, never popped. When I got home, cranked it till the battery died. I played around with the fuel shut off and got it to run, but not sure if that was the problem. Took it out another day and it started right up out of water, dropped it in the water and ran perfect for about an hour. Was riding in the channel pretty much on idle and it shut off, wouldn't start back up. Pulled plugs, were wet, turned motor over to get extra gas out of cylinders. Waited about 10 mins and tried starting again. Was turning over and popping, but not starting. Finally got a good pop and hit the gas and it managed to start and run fine the rest of the day (about 2 more hours). But I didn't let it idle after that. Took it out another time, and it did the same thing, would run fine, but when I shut it off or let it idle for a long time, it will not start back up. I have to wait about 10 mins. then try starting it, and then it seems to work.

At this point I am assuming it has something to do with spark. I am going to get new plugs today (and spare ones), and see if that helps. I was thinking it could also be fuel, but like I said, the plugs were wet.

Thank you in advance!

plugs could be wet with oil. Need to go thru carbs, and make sure, battery is good/charged. Take a volt tester and with ski runn'n, get-ur up to 5500rpm, then check volts at battery, should be high 13/low-mid 14.
Thank you, I see what you mean when you say the plugs can be wet with oil, I will check that tonight. I will also check the battery, but it seems to be turning over with no trouble. But now that you mentioned battery, the VTS system is not working anymore, it just clicks (like a solenoid sound) when I press it down, and nothing when I press it up.

Thank you for replying, I will let you know how I make out.
Checked the battery. Got 12 volts with machine off, little over 12 on idle, and about mid 13 volts at 5500 RPM.

I will have to go through the carbs like you said.
If it has the gray tempo fuel lines on it, you'll want to replace those before going into the carbs or else you are likely to have to go back in them again.
Should I use regular black fuel lines like the type you can buy at any auto parts store, or should I use tygon fuel lines? I've heard of problems with the Tygon melting.

Thank you for the tip.
Use regular auto fuel line from an auto parts store. If the 99 limited is like the 97xp, then you will need about 15' of 1/4" and 5' of 5/16" hose. Also, pickup about 25-30 all stainless steel hose clamps.
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