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1999 Seadoo GTX LTD no power on


New Member
Hi everyone!
I have a 1999 seadoo GTX LTD which will not turn on when a key is inserted, the dash stays dark, no beeps happen, but I believe (it has been awhile since ive tried) that if the solenoid is jumped it tries to start. I have tried a new to me DESS post (confirmed working), ensured the battery is in working order, and ensured all visible connectors are firmly clicked into place.

About a month ago I did get it to register a key and turn over (but not start), after unplugging and plugging back in the connector to the stator on the front of the motor, then after sitting for a day, the same issue occured, trying to get this thing running as I would like to ride at least a few times this season LOL

Probably the lanyard, I usually replace them in pairs, however the lanyard needs to be reprogrammed.
Probably the lanyard, I usually replace them in pairs, however the lanyard needs to be reprogrammed.
It could be, but I did test the lanyard on the 98, and it recognized it as a wrong key. Does this mean that the lanyard is still good?
This is what you can do I think, c I have done this to test lanyards or fess postd
Jump wire the post and lanyard from the working machine to the one with issues, if you get 2 beeps and it starts, you know it’s the post or lanyard or . I use retractable set 14 gauge wire that is on a wheel.
But I believe you will need a kit with wires on it,
Good luck
This is what you can do I think, c I have done this to test lanyards or fess postd
Jump wire the post and lanyard from the working machine to the one with issues, if you get 2 beeps and it starts, you know it’s the post or lanyard or . I use retractable set 14 gauge wire that is on a wheel.
But I believe you will need a kit with wires on it,
Good luck
So basically use lengths of wire to jump the post from one ski to the other? Is the key programmed to the MPEM or the post? The reason I ask is that I tried a working post and still got nothing, so MAYBE there's a broken connection somewhere in the rear EBOX or a faulty ground, I don't think the harness is bad because it's really only sat and not ran since last season
Ok I think your not getting power what happens when you press the start button without the key on the gauges should power on
Ok I think your not getting power what happens when you press the start button without the key on the gauges should power on
No guages turn on, the only weird thing was the one day I got it to start, i had plugged and unplugged the connecter to the stator, then it started, and the next day it was dead again

not sure if that was just a random event but all grounds seem connected and battery is confirmed working so I'm thinking SOMETHING wiring or rear EBOX related

(Basically pulled it out of storage beginning of season and it's been like this since then and was fine last year as far as i can remember)
No guages turn on, the only weird thing was the one day I got it to start, i had plugged and unplugged the connecter to the stator, then it started, and the next day it was dead again

not sure if that was just a random event but all grounds seem connected and battery is confirmed working so I'm thinking SOMETHING wiring or rear EBOX related

(Basically pulled it out of storage beginning of season and it's been like this since then and was fine last year as far as i can remember)
Ok I would disconnect the plug going to the stator and look at it see if it’s got any corrosion on it put some wd40 on it put it in and make sure the wires plug in good and don’t push out of the plug. Also make sure you have all the little black wires hooked up on the battery along with the big black one. The stator plug is very important that’s where the MPEM gets it ground nothing will work if that’s not good 👍🏻
I inspected the connector to the stator, it appears to be all good as far as I could see (the pins on the stator side appeared fine, but am not sure how to take apart the connector to the harness to reseat the pins), i have also confirmend that if the solenoid is jumped, the engine will will turn over and try to start, but when a key is inserted there is still no power to MPEM, wondering if the stator ground is bad and i didnt see anything? or if another ground is faulty somewhere else 🤔
Hi Dylan,

did you find a soloution in the end ?

Having a similar problem at the moment.

many thanks Ben
Have not found the exact issue, but very occasionally ill jiggle the connector to the stator and it will function breifly, I belive that my next step once I get time will be to inspect the connector there inside and out
Here's some tips for diagnosing your problem that I hope you might find useful.
1. I believe you have the 947 engine in your ski. Badass! Sorry, I diverge. There are a lot of commonalities between certain engine families in both the skis and the boats. However, there are occasionally some things that are specific to a particular ski model, and don't apply across the board. At first glance, I'd say the problem you are working on is a recurring theme on many models and one of the "common fixes" will probably fix yours.
2. Your ski is somewhat complicated and jiggling wires willy nilly might be a long road to travel down. I would highly recommend you subscribe to this forum as a premium member then proceed immediately to download the 1999 Seadoo GTX service manual. A one month's subscription to obtain the manual will be well worth the dough. While in there, download a boatload of others. Personally, I subscribe off and on for a month at a time as I need to access the archives.
3. Unless I'm wrong, jumping the starter will cause virtually any engine to turn over if the starter is sound. It's a diagnostic that is useful if you think you may have starter issues, but not running issues. You have said, "it tried to start." I suspect you mean the starter turned the engine over but you could really detect no attempt by the engine to run on its own. This is most likely because the MPEM isn't allowing the ignition system to run on it's own.
4. You will find an excellent wiring diagram in the service manual. Be sure you are looking at the correct diagram for your model as the service manual covers several models for 1999 and there are some differences in the wiring.
5. As a "general rule" when you are encountering lanyard and post "issues" you should do the following. Yes, unplug, inspect and replug any wiring connectors that you can get to. Secondly, remove the cover from the electrical box and check the fuses. Usually, there are four. Usually, there will be a 4 amp fuse for the MPEM. If it's a fuse problem, that's the most likely candidate. While you're in the electrical box, inspect for loose or corroded connections, etc.
6. Following the general rule above and if still no joy, you are going to need to logically diagnose your electrical gremlins using a handheld VOM (Volt-Ohm Meter). From the description you've given so far and assuming the 4 amp fuse isn't a problem, you're going to want to verify the MPEM wiring continuity to all it's inputs and outputs. Of course, you will need the wiring diagram and some understanding of how the system including the MPEM is intended to work.
Hope this helps a bit.
The MPEM grounds through the stator. And when you wiggle the stator plug is causes you to get a connection and the ski power on intermittently. So I would take apart the plug and make sure it is making a good connection
The MPEM grounds through the stator. And when you wiggle the stator plug is causes you to get a connection and the ski power on intermittently. So I would take apart the plug and make sure it is making a good connection
Yeah this is what I was thinking, its the only lead ive found as all other connections seem to function and this one is what I plan onm looking into once I get time to

Here's some tips for diagnosing your problem that I hope you might find useful.
1. I believe you have the 947 engine in your ski. Badass! Sorry, I diverge. There are a lot of commonalities between certain engine families in both the skis and the boats. However, there are occasionally some things that are specific to a particular ski model, and don't apply across the board. At first glance, I'd say the problem you are working on is a recurring theme on many models and one of the "common fixes" will probably fix yours.
2. Your ski is somewhat complicated and jiggling wires willy nilly might be a long road to travel down. I would highly recommend you subscribe to this forum as a premium member then proceed immediately to download the 1999 Seadoo GTX service manual. A one month's subscription to obtain the manual will be well worth the dough. While in there, download a boatload of others. Personally, I subscribe off and on for a month at a time as I need to access the archives.
3. Unless I'm wrong, jumping the starter will cause virtually any engine to turn over if the starter is sound. It's a diagnostic that is useful if you think you may have starter issues, but not running issues. You have said, "it tried to start." I suspect you mean the starter turned the engine over but you could really detect no attempt by the engine to run on its own. This is most likely because the MPEM isn't allowing the ignition system to run on it's own.
4. You will find an excellent wiring diagram in the service manual. Be sure you are looking at the correct diagram for your model as the service manual covers several models for 1999 and there are some differences in the wiring.
5. As a "general rule" when you are encountering lanyard and post "issues" you should do the following. Yes, unplug, inspect and replug any wiring connectors that you can get to. Secondly, remove the cover from the electrical box and check the fuses. Usually, there are four. Usually, there will be a 4 amp fuse for the MPEM. If it's a fuse problem, that's the most likely candidate. While you're in the electrical box, inspect for loose or corroded connections, etc.
6. Following the general rule above and if still no joy, you are going to need to logically diagnose your electrical gremlins using a handheld VOM (Volt-Ohm Meter). From the description you've given so far and assuming the 4 amp fuse isn't a problem, you're going to want to verify the MPEM wiring continuity to all it's inputs and outputs. Of course, you will need the wiring diagram and some understanding of how the system including the MPEM is intended to work.
Hope this helps a bit.
I do have the service manual for this model, the only reason I jumped the starter was to attempt to make sure that some power was flowing in the machine and I do not believe that the fuse is an issue, my next step was to check contiunuity to the stator and to make sure nothing has water where it shouldnt be