1999 gts leaking water

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New Member
I recently bought a 1999 gts and took it out to the river. Was riding for about 10 min and it lost power and running about 50%. Pulled the seat to find water leaking from head cover and getting sprayed by drive shaft spinning. One at home I started the ski on the hose and it’s leaking water from around head cover bolts by the looks of it. Took it apart and i don’t see any cracks or anything, new gaskets still same issue any recommendations?
You mean the pto cover,,,your carbon ring is probably leaking,,,for a dry land no power test,,,slowly back itto the water,,,see if it leaking,,,if not,,,start it up,,often they only leak when the shaft is spinning,,,once in a blue moon the motor is out of alignment,,,but rare,,,there are carbon ring repair kits out there,,,do mot pull the pump first,,and have a large rag under the shaft when you attempt to remove the circlip,,,you will nor get it back,,,
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