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1998 Seadoo GSX pump spacer


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Premium Member
Got this ski all sorted out and running. Took it out for its maiden voyage. Ran great until I noticed how low it was sitting in the water. Loaded on the trailer and hull was half full of water. I’ve checked all of my water lines and all are secure. The jet pump came with a spacer. When I re-installed the pump I put orings on each side of the spacer but I think my problem is not getting a good seal. I even used some through hull sealant. The more I ran the ski the more and faster the hull filled with water. I believe the bailers are pumping water into my ski. I’ll add some pics of the spacer as I would like to use the spacer.


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I removed the spacer and made sure the small rings were in place. Took back to the lake and back ski into the water. The higher I rev the ski the more water is pushed out of my bailers into the ski. My bailer hose are at top of hull and the small pinhole is clear. The two small pipes are present and tight coming from the rear of the pump. The rubber grommets are in place where the pump mates up to the impeller. Can’t figure out why my bailing system is working in reverse.
I would suggest getting your parts manual and following the hoses to verify everything is connected as it should. They have good diagrams in there, and the manual is free online if you don't have it.
Yes I have the manual and have checked all connections. Without the motor running hull is dry. When I start the motor there is a trickle of water coming from the nailers into the hull. As I give the ski throttle water enters at a much rapid pace. Where the rubber grommets meet up to the plastic pice that slides on top of the impeller pump it says to apply 518 to the grommets. I don’t have any so I applied red flange sealant. That may be where it’s leaking. I think I’ll pull it and apply through marine hull sealant like I applied to the impeller and hull where they mate
Can you send pics of where the hoses connect to the engine side and where they end up going out the body.
Ill try. On the 98gsx it’s a very tight fit. Im
Wondering if the small tubes that slide into the impeller pump are the wrong one. I think the holes where the orings fit into are too small. Prolly from a smaller pump. I got the ski in pieces so no telling.
Hey, I’m just following along here so I can hear the resolution for this, never had it happen but I’m interested to see what has caused it. I do remember reading somewhere one time something about some o rings being bad Arhat would cause the bailing system to work in reverse but I can’t remember any details at all.
So the rubber grommets on the pump are supposed to have 518 on where they mate up to the tubes that sit on top of the impeller housing. I did not have that or a good sealant in place. Also I’m not sure I had the orings in the right place. Do they fit around the metal nipples on the steering nose cone assembly or do they squeeze inside the tubes that mate to the nipples. It’s a simple system so I’ll get it figured out
If the bailers are forcing water into the hull then you have a gap in the pump bailer water circuit which allows the pump to pressurize the lines. I think i can see it in the pictures. There are two orings between the pump and venturi, you'll see the groove for them. That pump spacer is aftermarket I believe. I would remove it and use the VTS.
I removed the spacer. I now realized I have a small leak at the front seal
Of the impeller shaft. Gonna rebuild the pump and then tackle the bailer issue again.
Took ski out again today. Left on trailer and no water entered hull with engine off. Started the ski and water slightly coming in from bailers. I noticed water spraying from one of the yellow bailer elbows and water coming down rear of hull. Brought it home and hooked up to water hose and was able to see one of the pisser hoses was loose and neither hose had zip ties. One of the hoses was really too small so I put correct diameter hose. Ran again and no leaks from rear of hull. Replaced both yellow bailer elbows. This week I had pulled entire pump and resealed everything and added new orings. I also applied small layer of through hull sealant at any mating surfaces. Also replace oil seal in the impeller pump. I’m gonna give it one more try tomorrow and after that the ski will be winterized until next year. One question, for the bailers to work, does the ski need to be in motion? Will they bail water with ski sitting on the trailer?
Took ski out again today. Left on trailer and no water entered hull with engine off. Started the ski and water slightly coming in from bailers. I noticed water spraying from one of the yellow bailer elbows and water coming down rear of hull. Brought it home and hooked up to water hose and was able to see one of the pisser hoses was loose and neither hose had zip ties. One of the hoses was really too small so I put correct diameter hose. Ran again and no leaks from rear of hull. Replaced both yellow bailer elbows. This week I had pulled entire pump and resealed everything and added new orings. I also applied small layer of through hull sealant at any mating surfaces. Also replace oil seal in the impeller pump. I’m gonna give it one more try tomorrow and after that the ski will be winterized until next year. One question, for the bailers to work, does the ski need to be in motion? Will they bail water with ski sitting on the trailer?
See what everyone else says but I would think as long as the machine is in the lake and engine is running ( propeller turning) the bailers should work as they work off of a siphon. So obviously you will be moving unless it’s strapped to the trailer
Yes it’s strapped to the trailer. I’ll try tomorrow with the seat off and watch. I may pull the nose cone and install another set of orings so each nozzle will have two.
Issue resolved. So in addition to what I did yesterday I totally unhooked ski from trailer because I noticed that even disconnected from rear of trailer it was anchored at the bow and not truly floating. The rear was staying deep in the water. I think since the whole rear was submerged it couldn’t produce the vacuum to create the pull out of the hull from the bailers. Rode it for 30 mins to break in the new top end. Not even a thimble of water drained out of the plugs. Im
Gonna winterize it and call it good! Thanks for everyone’s suggestions and help
Issue resolved. So in addition to what I did yesterday I totally unhooked ski from trailer because I noticed that even disconnected from rear of trailer it was anchored at the bow and not truly floating. The rear was staying deep in the water. I think since the whole rear was submerged it couldn’t produce the vacuum to create the pull out of the hull from the bailers. Rode it for 30 mins to break in the new top end. Not even a thimble of water drained out of the plugs. Im
Gonna winterize it and call it good! Thanks for everyone’s suggestions and help
Good job, so what actually ended up being the cause of the bailers working in reverse? Was it the o rings
Maybe the sealant i put on all mating surfaces or the new yellow elbows. I think once it got up on plane the system worked like it should. I think with it on the trailer and the back end sitting so low in the water it couldn’t work the way it’s designed.