1998 gts taking on water and high rpms

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Hi I picked up a 1998 gts for about $600. Good compression. Took it out Day one and was riding fine. Then motor started spinng fast and not moving fast. Got back to shore and saw that the engine compartment was filled. - amazing I did not stall as it was almost up to battery. Go home and recalled the little tube on top going into the manifold was disconnected and squirting water. (Easy fix with a zip tie). Day two. Ski running nice for a while and same thing happened. This time the tube was connected. When gave it a lot of gas high revs but took a wheel for the spend to come on. Almost like a slipping transmission. And filled with water again. Could this be the wear ring. If it is, could that be the reason for taking on water and.... does it pay to fix it?
I recently had a problem with a ski taking on water.

Check the following:
plugs are in
Water regulator bellows (Looks like a rave valve on the water box)
Casting plugs on exhaust pipe aka welch plugs (the corrode over time and get pinhole leaks)
That you bailer lines aren't plugged and both o rings are present between the nozzle and pump
The two (white?) tubes for the bailers are present in the nozzle.

Ride it with the seat off to see if you can tell where the water is coming from.

As for the high revving, it does sound like a wear ring but i could be wrong, I'm still novice with these things. Remove the nozzle and measure the clearance of the impeller to know for sure.
Thanks. I am newer than you are so don’t know a lot of what you are taking about. :-). But I did find this yesterday. See photos rope attached around shaft Problem is the ski is on the trailer and the bar on the trailer is right under the grid so not sure how I am going to cut it out!4829D64D-7950-4CBB-A3B1-8B11B5628938.jpeg
Thanks. I am newer than you are so don’t know a lot of what you are taking about. :). But I did find this yesterday. See photos rope attached around shaft Problem is the ski is on the trailer and the bar on the trailer is right under the grid so not sure how I am going to cut it out!View attachment 38147

The grate covering the shaft can be removed for better access.
Yeah I was thinking about removing the pump myself and sending it to someone to rebuild the pump, wear ring, impeller etc
Good idea. Might as well replace the carbon seal on the driveshaft while you have it apart. Also check the driveshaft for straightness.
The rope is causing the driveshaft to wobble around and making the carbon seal leak.
Still should check to see if there was any damage to the seal and the driveshaft while your rebuilding the pump. There are two rubber bump stops on the ends of the driveshaft that are likely smooshed and should be replaced.
The rope is causing the driveshaft to wobble around and making the carbon seal leak.
Still should check to see if there was any damage to the seal and the driveshaft while your rebuilding the pump. There are two rubber bump stops on the ends of the driveshaft that are likely smooshed and should be replaced.

You think it could be that simple that the rope is causing the issue? I may try and take the pump out this weekend and remove the rope. Don’t want to rebuild the pump yet if there is a chance I can still ride this weekend.
I really don't see how the rope could cause the water in the hull. The only way would be if it damaged the carbon ring and simply removing the rope will not fix that.
If there is enough wear in the driveshaft and pto the carbon seal will start to wobble slightly and then start doing that elipticle thing it does while water gets past the seal. An imbalance in the shaft, will exaggerate that imbalance.
I've watched it happen while trying to hold the boot still. It would only vibrate and wobble underway but would be fine at idle.
Similar effect to a bent driveshaft.
Not really a good day for me. I attempted to pull the pump. Got all the bolts off and I tried everything but it would not budget. I said screw it and went to put it back together. When I did I was tightening the outer bolts and cracked a bolt. So now I am going to bring it to the mechanic.

Below is my list of things it needs. What do you think I will pay?
Must do!!!

New wear ring hopeful the impeller is okay

Check neoprene sea was taking on water last year. Do not know why

Fix steering. Very tight

Needs battery which I can get

Remover rope around shaft
Clean carbs - adjust idle and choke
Fix front section of seat. Needs clips as it’s popping out.

If not too expensive -

Fix fuel gauge

Fix oil pump so no pre mix
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