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1998 gsx

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New Member
New to PWC, but got he bug and purchased one for little money. The boat runs great, but the engine compartment fills with water a slow speed. Can anyone send a picture on one with all the hoses attached, I seem to have one or two that are not attached. also when running water only comes out of the left hole above the tow hook. Unless I take the wiring housing off I cannot see where all the hoses run or are attached.
any help would be great
It sounds like you might have a split cooling line or bad clamp.
This might be a good idea for you.
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Thanks for the reply, sorry it took a while for me had to run out of town. I looked at the printout you sent and tried to trace all the tubes. They appear to all be in place. Would you have a picture of the engine compartment behind the engine that I can use as a comparison.
I have two tubes that are loose, yet I cannot find a fitting they would go to . The one loose clear tube seems to run from behind the engine to the very front of the craft, but I cannot see where it goes for the white strafoam in the front of the craft.
I plan to put the See Doo into the water, take the seat off and see where the water comes from. Is this a good idea or dangerous?
Did you try running it out of the water on a hose yet? Could be hose, leaking exhaust, etc. Make sure you start motor first...turn on water...run for a few minutes (pump housing and bearings are not being cooled) and turn water OFF before you shut down engine. If you have no leaks than it may be a bearing or plug issue.
You could probobaly do that, just make sure the lanyard is attached to you or it may just go off without you. That would be bad.
I have run the craft out of the water with a hose, there was no leakage of water into the engine compartment. If you have a photo of the engine compartment it might be helpful to see how the hose should look.
Otherwise thanks for the support.
the O-rings on my drain plugs were split. they still stayed on the plug so i couldn't really see it, until i tried to remove one. then it just came right off. both side were split. i replaced those for 4 dollars and have been dry ever since. might be a good thing to check.
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