1998 GSX LTD. starter problem

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New Member
I have a 1998 seadoo GSX limited. I changed my starter and it just spins inside the engine without engaging. engine does not turn over while starter is turning. Battery is new and charged also. I am very mechanicly inclined but can't figure this one out. I need some help please.
Thanks, John
Welcome to the seadoo forum John. Is the starter too short to engage the flywheel? I would check to be sure the length was the same. I'll have a peek at the manual to see what starter you have and report back with another possible solution. I want to be sure which one you have.
I didn't even think of checking that. I ordered it off of E-bay with all the info they needed trusting they sent the right starter. It looked and fit the same so I took that for granted. Now the suck part is that I threw away the old one so I have nothing to compare to unless I go to a shop where they have the right one for me to compare to.
John I checked on the 947 engine in your 98 GSX LTD and it has a starter drive assy on the end of the starter inside the case. It might not be engaging, or the Bendix might not allow it to engage. If the starter is the correct one, than your problem might be the starter drive inside the case. To get to it you'll have to pull the cover off and inspect it. It might be a tight fit to remove it. Once it is off there are 2 allen screws and a small bracket that hold the starter drive assy. in place in the case. This is the only link between the starter and the meshing teeth on the flywheel. Keep us posted on you progress. If we can help any more give us a shout.

Yeah, e-bay strikes again... It isn't the first time ....I heard about that happening. Can you find the old one in the trash by chance? I'll check for any numbers that might be on the new one to match...I'll be right back, I have the manual open as we speak.
John, what was the problem with the old starter...I see no ID marks that we can use to compare...
The only marks I see on the rear case of the starter is "MUTSIBA SM-13 12v" I think are mgf numbers and won't help much.
Yes the starter is direct drive. I'm aiming towards the bendix inside the engine just as I am remembering I think it turned over just a few times and then quit. Sorry about that. This was last summer and I'm just getting back to fixing it for this season. "Where can I find detailed instructions on changing the bendix inside the engine?" I'll try that and if thats not it then the starter is easy to change after.
Well, the best advise it to join as a premium member so you can download a service manual from the library of manuals on the seadoo forum. You can be a member for as short as a month or keep on if you prefer. The manuals in the library are authentic seadoo manuals and are direct from seadoo. you can read them on line as a pdf file or print it off for you own person and privet use. Click on the "Seadoo Manuals" link for details. The small amount you pay goes to keeping the forum alive and kicking. All the Moderators on line volunteer time and make nothing from the site...the funds go to the hosting of the site. If you get in a jam we will always be here to help.

Hey thanks there Scubadoo. I really appreciate the info. Being I can do work on this thing myself, I think I'll join the premium membership so I can keep my ski running. Thanks for the help, John
Let me know if I can do anything else. There are also lots of active members here eager to help...:cheers:

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