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1997 xp wont start

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New Member
battery is charged. was out the other day and somethink leaked and filled the hull with water rapidly. the bike went into a neutral mode and when i shut it down i was unable to start it abain. the engine compartment was emptied and rinsed. no beeps or reaction to the start button. removed and replaced the conections to the box. when i plus in the steering haqrnes in i get a beep from the box area. and tips. All fuses are good
I'd look at the carbon ring assy, then possible, enuf water got in and into the motor, pull plugs and crank it over, expell it all, then feed some gas into carbs, see if she kicks
I agree w/ Timmy.

You may have to short the starter at the solenoid, (to get it to turn over, and crank the water out) if there is an electrical problem. Check all cable connections, clean well, and re-assemble with grease. Old bat connections commonly fail, when corroded.

I hope you get her going, without alot of work.

97 xp electrical problem

i found the 15 amp fuse from the solinoid blown. i pulled it and put a new one in. a puff of smoke and a blown fuse followed. something burned in the engine comcartment. its not the rectifier assy cause i had it unpluged thinking it was shorted. im all ears, thanks
hey...you inspect the fuse holder, possibly, been 97', has corrosion, grounding it out, and when it flooded, that just topped everything, also, reinspect all thewires there(red butt connector, grounds,..etc)
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