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1997 spx quits after 10 min

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New Member
i have a 1997 spx, it works fine, no problems at all till it gets warmed up which takes about ten min. then all of a sudden it just shuts down. i have switched the DESS lanyard post with my 96 xp, but same result. also when ever it quits once you take the lanyard off and put it back on the warning buzzer just beeps constant and wont quit till you take the key off, and it wont start. if i let it sit for 10 min it will start back up and run for about 30 seconds or so and then quits on me again. does anyone know where to point me to trouble shoot this?? temp sensor? computer? fuel?
It sounds like the temperature sensor is bad. I had the same problem..easy way to check. Take the sensor out of motor and if you have a multimeter, set it to check continuity on the temperature sensor. The sensor should be open at normal room temperature. Put the sensor in the oven at about 180 degrees. With long test leads attached to your multimeter, you should be able to adjust the oven temperature up until you find the temperature sensor shorting point. It should be around 210 Degree F. If the sensor shorts below the 210 Degree F , replace the sensor. Hope this helps.
well i went out there today and worked on both my skis. i switched the temp sensor from my 96 xp and put it in the 97 spx. rode it around for ten min and then it quit, the only good thing is was it was not beeping anymore once you put the key back on, but once you put the key on it still will not start. i am going to go back out there tomorrow and check the fuel filter and see what condition it is in, and then i guess ride it untill it quits and then start testing for compression, spark, and fuel and see what i come up with. unless anyone else has an idea what this problem may be, thanks for the help so far, ill keep you all posted
A guy I know has a 95 SPX that had similar issues. I guess when someone pulled off the connector to the magneto cover the weather pack seal fell down in the hull and they reconnected the connector without it. I removed it and discovered the terminals were all corroded. Maybe it wasn't getting a good engine ground or charge or ignition signal or any combination of those while under load. I repaired all the connections and now the ski runs great.
thanks for the advice i will check that tomorrow before i take it out on the water and hopefully it will fix mine too
When you have teh problem is it getting spark? If so add some premixed fuel and oil you use,about 2-3 oz does each spark plug hole and see if it fires up. If it does...it's a fuel problem. If no spark it sounds like an electrical problem caused from expansion of heat on the connectors. Then check the wiring.

yeah i guess i had two problems, and hopefully it was just the sensor. i will try the fuel in to the cylinders today when it quits on me and also be testing the spark, thanks.
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