My 717cc engine had a water issue and seized piston. had it bored out, oversized and rebuilt back. I noticed it was louder then before with a ticking sound.. By ear and feel with hand, I thought it was coming from the flywheel upfront until this weekend I was rechecking the timing on it or if rotary was damaged and realized when I was bringing it to top end, it didn't have a smooth rotation over. (Picturing a clock) It somewhat locks by hand rotating just before point of top end full extension (11:58).. with a quick push it passes the point of resistance (12:01) and continues down stroke.. rotated by hand back to top end and I hit the resistance point again "lightbulb" Must be my ticking sound!. Is it safe to drive? Will it dissappear over time when it all sets in? Heading for failure? Any ideas?