1997 seadoo gsx power problem?

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Have you tested the compression? One of the most common theories is, if it runs on land, but not water, then your cooling system may have a leak in one of the gaskets that seperate the exhaust system and the cooling system. They are side by side in most parts of the engine.
The compression is good. It starts right up. I did pull the plugs after it was running for a min or two. They looked like they were covered in gas/oil. I am thinking it is running rich. What could be the possible problem Carbs? What else would cause it to run rich? Any Solutions? Thanks

In your plug reading, it does seem rich. Especially if you smell them and it's gas. If you see water droplets, then you may have a cooling water leak at your jacket.
I've also got question as whether your accelerator pump is working properly. If you remove the black cover box on the flame arrestor and expose the bore of the carbs, look inside. You'll see a small brass tube, about 1/4" to 3/8" long. While looking into the carb, grab your syncro bar and pull back on it gently. You should see a squirt of gas from that tube. As soon as you see it, stop. Because with what little gas is built up, you'll need to reserve some to look into the other carb.
So check them, make sure your accelerator pump is working correctly (or at all).....this is common with bogging.
The other thing common in bogging down an engine is a stuck RAVE valve. When is the last time you checked them? You may need to clean the deposits. If one or both are sticking, then it will allow the compression to be lost in the engine as you try to accelerate. I'd check the raves first, since they are the easiest thing to get to. The PTO, being the easiest, that would be my first one. The mag side is a bit more involved in removing. But DO NOT try and remove the exhaust to get that one out. Let me know and I'll tell you a trick in removing it.
Go to my thread in the boat section, called "a look inside the 787". Scroll through the pages and look for the post I made on the RAVE. You'll see the difference between and dirty and clean RAVE. The pix came out good.

GOOD LUCK!..................:cheers:
Alright so I just hooked it up to the hose and it seems to be running good other than when I rev it to high rpms and depress the throttle, oil sprays out of the exhaust. Is this normal?
you may feal a oily film on your hand if you put it in the exhaust water comeing out the back but you should not see oil in large amounts. you may also see a small oil slick in the water hope this helps, lets see what others have to say. good luck Robin :)
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