Hi all,
I have a 1997 seadoo gsx that ran fine a couple summers ago. Towards the end of summer 2022 it would die when throttle was applied. I was finally able to get the carbs rebuilt this week and got everything all back into place and ready to start. But now I am getting NO POWER to the info screen.
I was able to jump the solenoid. I didn't try it enough to turn the engine over. But it did engage the starter. I have checked all fuses and they seem to be fine. Ground is on tight and connection is good. I placed both positive wires back onto the solenoid in the right way (I believe, not sure If there is a specific way to connect them to solenoid, but I imagine because it engaged starter when jumped, it is right). I checked all connections to the control box. They seem to be good. I'm really hoping it's not the 700 dollar control box
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
I have a 1997 seadoo gsx that ran fine a couple summers ago. Towards the end of summer 2022 it would die when throttle was applied. I was finally able to get the carbs rebuilt this week and got everything all back into place and ready to start. But now I am getting NO POWER to the info screen.

I was able to jump the solenoid. I didn't try it enough to turn the engine over. But it did engage the starter. I have checked all fuses and they seem to be fine. Ground is on tight and connection is good. I placed both positive wires back onto the solenoid in the right way (I believe, not sure If there is a specific way to connect them to solenoid, but I imagine because it engaged starter when jumped, it is right). I checked all connections to the control box. They seem to be good. I'm really hoping it's not the 700 dollar control box

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!