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1997 gsx regulator wiring

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New Member
Bought a 1997 gsx last year. Ran great most of this year then I had a big at WOT. Rpms drop about a grand then back up, back down. Reading a lot of threads it sounded like it was likely a bad regulator. (also would give me a low voltage light when putting the key in, on a fresh battery). Previous owner had put a different regulator in that didn't have the black wire coming out of it, and ran the red wire direct to the battery. Ran the black wire from the ski side plug to the bolt holding the regulator on. (labeled as a seadoo part for this model). I put the new regulator in with the correct plugs, yellow 3 wire and a black and red two wire. Now while running it only tests at 12.9v.
With the old one in direct wired it was testing at 14.3v running. Haven't direct wired the new one yet.. Wondering if anyone has any ideas about wtf could be wrong that's making it need to be direct wired?

As far as the bog, no I haven't changed the fuel lines yet, was waiting till winter. Cleaned the carbs 3 times this summer, still had the bog on freshly cleaned carbs.
I tested it again running with alligator clips on the leads so I had a better connection and got 13.3v running. Is that an acceptable/normal number on this ski?
To test you can charge you battery then unhook the red wire and go for a quick rip. At 5500 is rpm you should be getting 13.5 to 14.5
I would also highly recommend rebuilding your carbs with genuine mikini kits incldung new needles and seats. Sometimes cleaning can only go so far if rubber parts are worn out. I would also rip out those grey fuel lines asap.
I would also highly recommend rebuilding your carbs with genuine mikini kits incldung new needles and seats. Sometimes cleaning can only go so far if rubber parts are worn out. I would also rip out those grey fuel lines asap.
I plan on doing the lines this winter. Had the carbs done the first time this year by a reputable shop and everything checked out good, but it's worth doing. Too cold here now to put it in again. I live in upper Michigan. Lol.
While I'm at it.. Where's the buzzer/beeper? That hasn't worked in awhile either, but it still starts and runs.
It's in the handle bars. If you take off the cover you'll see it. I'm in southeast Michigan so I still have a little time left lol
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