trials & tribulations
Sorry about the delay on the update but my ski is located 2 hours away from me so looking into the problem took awhile.
After reading the replies from my post, I had places to start investigating. I first rode the ski and found my RPM's to be way low, maxxing out at ~4800. Once I popped the seat and saw the gray fuel lines, I knew where I would start. Off I went to get new fuel lines and clamps and in I went. The clues starting coming fast as I pulled off the airbox cover and found a mouse nest with acorns included. On one hand I was upset because I was told the ski had been gone through and ready for the season. On the other hand I knew this was a major reason why I wasn't getting the air I needed. The RAVE valves were then pulled and they were filthy as well so they got a good cleaning and reinstalled. I started taking the first carb apart but when I got to the filter it was remarkably clean so I buttoned it back up due to time constraints. I then replaced all the fuel lines and buttoned everything back up and off to the water I went for a test ride. WOW what a difference. WHen I stated in my earlier post that it took off and got up on plane well, I had no idea what I was talking about. The ski jumped out of the water and screamed to a top end speed of ~53 mph at ~6800 rpm. Off on vacation I went happy as can be.
The ski ran great for 3 days with no issues, THEN, I was going WOT and the ski died. It started back up but I decided to start heading towards home since I was along way out. It ran fine but I kept it ~30 mph. I was only able to ride one more time and it did the same thing basically, at roughly 40-45 mph the engine bogged out but I let off and it stayed running. It did this multiple times. I also noticed that "MAINT" was flashing on the digital display. I don't have a manual yet, (on the way). Anybody have any ideas where I should start when I get back to the ski???????????
Thanks in advance!!!