I have a 1997 Seadoo GSI, I took it apart to paint it and when I reassembled it it cranked for a second and popped the mpem 5amp fuse. I put a new one in and it popped again after turning over for a second. The first time I went to start it I heard beeps whne I plugged in the key. The next times no beeps. I unpluged the rectifier and it still pops. I replaced the mpem last summer and it only has a few hours on it so I don't think its that. I e-mailed all things custom who rebuilds the mpems and he doesn't think it's that either. I also unplugged the VTS (which I also replaced last summer and it still pops. When the key is pushed on the guages come on also until the starter button is pushed then go out when the fuse is popped. Any ideas??