New Member
I bought this 96 XP about a month ago I took it out 2 weeks ago was having problems with it getting going in the water , but after 15 minutes of putting around it seemed to fix itself as if it just was cold, or hadn't been run in a while or something. Well I took it in to get a new impeller and wear ring on it an the mechanic guy started it up , and 10 seconds later it started running like crap, like bogging down and acting like its not getting gas or running on both pistons............So I took it home check the spark plugs there fine and they spark just fine, then i checked the coil and it was fine i even swapped coil assemblys with my 96 gsx same coil, and it worked just fine. Then i did a compression test each one running at 150 each. Only thing me and my dad can think of is its not getting enough gas for some reason, and we were curious if this XP has a fuel pump or not and maybe that's clogged or something, or there something electrical , but doesn't make sense how it starts up for 10-20 seconds and runs just fine and revs fine but then it just starts to run bad. Can anyone help Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also wondering if anyone near Los Angeles knows any good mechanics to take it too cause the 3 places i know of don't work on anything 01 and older, so please anyone that can help it would be much appreciated, thank you-Birdman