Last fall this thing ran like a beast absolutely 0 issues, went up the other day to restart it, hooked the battery up and nothing. no beeps no lights, nothing. I checked the fuses and lines and it all appears to be ok. I jumped the starter solenoid and the motor spun over great but didnt have spark which makes me believe its a computer issue. what else can I test before I start throwing money at it? The trim system also works great but nothing on the dash lights up at all. Also the battery was removed for storage. Ive attached pictures of the wiring below, I did the test where you push the start button five times without the fob installed and got nothing. When I install the fob, no beeps. The first picture above is of a wire that is not plugged into anything. I did not unplug anything from it last fall but noticed it dangling free, but nothing near by that would look to plug into it.