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1996 xp driveshaft rubber part question

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Active Member
Hello All,

I am almost done with the first 1996 xp rebuild. I hope to have it on the water next weekend (I have ordered some Hurley wet suit sock/boot things to deal with the cold water). I have only the rave valves to install which I have already cleaned, the driveshaft to insert, and the jet pump to attach and it will be complete. I found this guide which is awesome, but even with it, I am confused as usual. https://www.seadooforum.com/showthread.php?71248-How-To-carbon-seal-service-and-replacement

My question is as follows: The driveshaft rebuild kit I ordered came with a carbon ring, metal ring, 2 o-rings, 1 bronze colored metal half ring, and a new bellow. I ordered two new bumpers as the old ones had the middle fall out upon removal. Near the end of the driveshaft is this rubber piece that I cannot find in any of the manuals or in any Google image search and the kit did not come with a replacement. Should I remove this piece or leave it on there? Pic below.


Are there any other concerns I should have when doing this install? I see some of the fiberglass is coming apart where the hull fitting is (on the outside of the fitting where the driveshaft first enters the jet ski internals), so I will try to get some resin and new fiberglass to reinforce it. Other than that, everything else looks good or so I hope. Thanks as always for the help.
That is the impeller boot. Install it on the impeller and grease the splines. The shaft will slide right into it.
Done, thanks! I got it all together. Was not easy as my wingspan was barely enough to push the driveshaft far enough in while getting all of the parts on it since they wouldn't fit through the hole while already on the driveshaft. I used a rubber mallet to eventually get the silver ring over the copper piece.

Now to find my missing blades for the rave valve...IMG_2724.JPG
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Well you got it together but I would get rid of those hose clamps on the PTO boot. They can’t help the balance. Either use the correct OEM clams or good quality zip ties.
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