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1996 spx problem

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New Member
I just rebuilt the top end of of a ski that was sitting around for a few years. It started good and seems to idle OK but when I give it any throttle it just dies. I took the carbs apart and clean them up, all looked well but I did not rebuild them. any idea's?
You still might have cloged passages. Did you use carb cleaner to spray all the passages and the small filters inside the carbs real clean? The Low speed screw should be set to 1 1/2 turns out. It has a pin through it. the High Speed scres should be set to "0" it has a plastic cap on it to keep it from being adjusted more then 1/4 turn out. It also could be the fuel pump not pumping too at low speed too. Be sure the lines are clean and not pluged as well.

1996 spx

Thanks Karl, I went over the whole ski while cylinders where out being bored. I took apart the whole fuel system and changed out the grey fuel lines. I blew out the fuel selector in both reserve and on position. I cleaned the carb filters and when over the carb well, all qappeared good. I have the high speed set for about 1/8 of a turn. Don't know where to go from here.
SAme Problem..

I had the same problem after installing a new engine, I finally had to eliminate the fuel selector switch and that fixed the problem.. Like you I cleaned it, semed to flow fine etc.. Be sure to check the inline filter, and the o ring...
The ski now runs awsome..
Hi, Thank you all for your help. I went over a few things and not sure which one did it but it rev's now. But!!!! here's my current problem. Sitting at idle it will not hold a constant idle speed it speeds up and slows downs constantly. Also when I rev the throttle it does not go back to an idle right away it takes a few seconds. What do you think?
check condition of throttle cable, if good, then pull carb back off, and reseal it to manifold. You got air leak, if cable aint stick'n.
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