I have a 96 Speedster and it runs very well, I purchased and have been using solas SD-SC-X props (16-23 pitch) since my other props have a lot of cavitation marks and have noticed my top speed increase (I’m hitting 50) but my RPM only hits 6250(I’m using tiny tachs). I know that prop pitch can have an effect on rpm’s I was just wondering if these props could affect rpm that much? I’m pretty sure the stock impellers pitch is 11-22 but I’m not certain. I like to run this boat like a jetski doing hard turns and 180’s and I used to be able to do that with the old impellers (maybe because it would cavitate) but I seem fall off the power curve when I try to so Im not sure if I should send my old impellers to get refurbished by impros or not so that I’m able to stay on the power curve when I’m a wannabe jetski lol