1996 GTS Runs on land but not in water

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I had my carb rebult by a dealer with a kit.I have the single carb 587 motor,I had the pop off valve reset and took it back they replaced the accellerater in the carb.The unit will start and runs with a hose on it,Get it in the water and it turns over and wont start,I am getting gas and spark,I cut my wire back 1/4 and added a extra ground,My starter is new and all electrical has been replaced in the last 3 years.I never had this problem before this year when the carb was rebult.I had the unit running on the dock backed it in running and she died when we hit the water....No blockage anywhere I have backflushed this thing...What is the next step? The dealer dont know please help!
Now that is a mystery.:confused:

It reminds me off a 550 Kawasaki I had years ago.
This one ran fine with the hose pipe on it but when it was in the water it was
poorly. It didn't want to perform and when it did it died really quickly.

I found it was lacking in water cooling when in the water.
Hence over heating and not doing a great deal after that.
On stripping it down I found a coolant hose that some previous owner had fitted had a kink in it. This is what caused it to overheat.
It worked fine with the garden hose, but under power in the water it died a death.

So your problem could be a blocked hose a restriction somewhere.
Or the pump Impeller isn't pushing water around the motor. Worn pump.

Let us know what it is please.;)
1996 GTS wont run in water

I dont have a blocked hose.I let the ski run for 10 min on the hose in my driveway with no problems...Last year though when I put it away I blew co2 in the flush hose.I dont know if I screwed anything up or not.I still question the guy who put my carb together?Maybee he did not set the pop off valve right.I may pull it myself and check it by the book.
There have been several mystery problems like this on the forum...mostly last month, where the ski will stall while in the water but not on land.

I called one place and they said it might be from too much backpressure from the exhause while in the water. Just something to consider.
When you say too much back pressure,do you mean clog in exhaust? Is is the norm to have a little water in the baffle part? Explain why if you can water cools through the exhaust backward when we have pressure coming out from the exhaust manifold/I pulled my hoses and had some pressure coming out from the intake water hose to exhaust.Can we flush out this way with water pressure ? The factory has the hose connection on the other side to backflush.But can we flush while running from the exhaust manifold side?Water is coming in this way anyhow for cooling the motor.I am adding this because I think I may have a possible blockage like you say from the exhaust.Last year I blasted co2 while winterizing from the outlet hose side and I have not started this thing in the water since then.Did I screw up or what?????
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No i wouldn't flush it that way. I was just saying that a weak engine that hsa too much backpressure can stall out.

how much pressure was there from the co2? I guess that could have knocked a hose loose?
My compression is good,The dealer tested it,Hoses are tight.(Should the exhaust be taken apart and inspected?I took the exhaust apart when it was in the water,I took off the hose between the baffle and manifold and it would not start in water.
co2 pressure was 100lbs?My compression is goodon motor,The dealer tested it,Hoses are tight.(Should the exhaust be taken apart and inspected?I took the exhaust apart when it was in the water,I took off the hose between the baffle and manifold and it would not start in water.
And the dealer hasn't a clue after looking at it either? What was the compression?

Pull off your rotary valve cover and see if it is scored with grooves.
I have 130 compression both cylinders.If my rotary valve is off in clearance
why would it start so easy on land? How does the valve effect starting in water?Like I said before I have had this ski running and backed it in the water and she just dies..Woud the valve effect back pressure....Last year I never had a problem and after I had the carb rebuilt this happen.The dealer swears the pop off pressure is fine and I had him put in a new acellerrater.I dont know if he did this or I just got a bad JoB.Shoud I take the carb off and have it checked by another tech?
the theory is that the engine is running on reduced power, and that when you add resistance of water it stalls. You can ask the dealer if they will check it, but I would look at ignition as well.
You have a point.I live in Sylvania on the ohio mich line who can be recommended/Good ski tech are hard to fine up here.Its like trying to find a heating tech in Florida.
not running once in water

Might be a leak in the water jacket portion of the exhaust pipe. Mine developed a crack that was causing water to be injested into the carberator. I had my pipe welded and problem went away
You have a point.I live in Sylvania on the ohio mich line who can be recommended/Good ski tech are hard to fine up here.Its like trying to find a heating tech in Florida.
I'm in florida ;)

Might be a leak in the water jacket portion of the exhaust pipe. Mine developed a crack that was causing water to be injested into the carberator. I had my pipe welded and problem went away

Good point, worth evaluating.
Found problem

Wrong spring was installed on popoff by dealer...also wrong o ring on rotory valve plate making my clearence off...It now runs in water
Found problem

Wrong spring was installed on popoff by dealer...also wrong o ring on rotory valve plate making my clearence off...It now runs in water:

I read about you using Co2 to flush out your water jacket. The only Co2 that I know of comes out of a bottle at about 100 psi and is very cold, like minus a couple hundred degrees cold.
I wouldn't recommend blowing any type of cryogenic gas into your ski. Freezing seals can cause rubber to crack. I know it's not recommended in the manuals. I'd review this practice and use the standard procedure.

I'm glad you were able to find and fix your problem!
Now, enjoy your ride!..........:cheers:
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