Hi this is a follow up thread to an older thread of mine. https://www.seadooforum.com/threads/1996-gti-getting-to-much-gas.114783/#post-686314
So far, I have diagnosed that the problem is not gas related (I can turn off the fuel valve and the engine still gets too much oil in it). I can get the ski to run for around 10 seconds then it dies. I have done lots of research and I don't think that the problem is crank seals leaking into the bottom end of the engine. Everyone in those forums seems to say that the engine is visible filled with oil. They also often have problems with hydro locking due to that oil. I have no issues with hydro locking, and the engine spins quickly when starting. I have tried pulling the spark plugs, and have herd that a geyser of oil should come out. I do not have that. When I say small amount of oil in the cylinder, that is only after I run the ski for 10 seconds before it dies. By small I mean just a thin layer of oil covering the cylinder making it look smooth. Thanks for your help!
So far, I have diagnosed that the problem is not gas related (I can turn off the fuel valve and the engine still gets too much oil in it). I can get the ski to run for around 10 seconds then it dies. I have done lots of research and I don't think that the problem is crank seals leaking into the bottom end of the engine. Everyone in those forums seems to say that the engine is visible filled with oil. They also often have problems with hydro locking due to that oil. I have no issues with hydro locking, and the engine spins quickly when starting. I have tried pulling the spark plugs, and have herd that a geyser of oil should come out. I do not have that. When I say small amount of oil in the cylinder, that is only after I run the ski for 10 seconds before it dies. By small I mean just a thin layer of oil covering the cylinder making it look smooth. Thanks for your help!