Was out on the lake today with my wife and 2yr old and were having a great day until we were ready to head back. Once we cleared the 5mph buoys, I gradually increased throttle. All off a sudden, the engine quit.
I pulled the lanyard out, turned the switch off and back on, heard the fuel pump, put the lanyard back on and didn't hear any beeps. Repeated this a few more times and still nothing. Tried the spare lanyard and still nothing. I checked all the fuses in the front compartment; all were good. Then I opened the fusebox in the engine compartment and checked all those fuses too; all were good. The battery is brand new; I had power to the blower, lights etc. I even jumped the 2 large red wires that were in the gray box and that triggered the starter. But I simply couldn't get the system to give me the beeps. I noticed too that the speedo and rpm needles are stuck where they were at when the engine quit. Ive neer seen that before.
I ended up paddling for 30minutes until someone rescued us and towed us back to the boat launch. This boat has been in our family for 9 yrs and with me for the past 5yrs and has been a real champ till today.
From what I've been reading, could this be a bad mpem? Yet others with mpem problems still produce the beeps or even turn over; whereas mine does absolutely nothing.
Could it be something else other than the mpem? What else can I check for, and how do I go about those checks? Really appreciate any help. We have a camping trip coming up this weekend and a huge family reunion camping trip the following weekend. Today was supposed to be a practice run to make sure it was ready for the summer
I'm a noob with boats, but used to tinker a bit with VW bugs and dirt bikes.
I pulled the lanyard out, turned the switch off and back on, heard the fuel pump, put the lanyard back on and didn't hear any beeps. Repeated this a few more times and still nothing. Tried the spare lanyard and still nothing. I checked all the fuses in the front compartment; all were good. Then I opened the fusebox in the engine compartment and checked all those fuses too; all were good. The battery is brand new; I had power to the blower, lights etc. I even jumped the 2 large red wires that were in the gray box and that triggered the starter. But I simply couldn't get the system to give me the beeps. I noticed too that the speedo and rpm needles are stuck where they were at when the engine quit. Ive neer seen that before.
I ended up paddling for 30minutes until someone rescued us and towed us back to the boat launch. This boat has been in our family for 9 yrs and with me for the past 5yrs and has been a real champ till today.
From what I've been reading, could this be a bad mpem? Yet others with mpem problems still produce the beeps or even turn over; whereas mine does absolutely nothing.
Could it be something else other than the mpem? What else can I check for, and how do I go about those checks? Really appreciate any help. We have a camping trip coming up this weekend and a huge family reunion camping trip the following weekend. Today was supposed to be a practice run to make sure it was ready for the summer

I'm a noob with boats, but used to tinker a bit with VW bugs and dirt bikes.
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