Check the continuity of the Safety Switch Lanyard. It is normally "open". The color code of the 2 wires are Black and Black/Yellow.These feed back into the electrical module box. The Start /Stop switch is normally "open". The color codes of the 2 wires are Black, that goes direct to ground, (to stop the engine), and the Yellow/Red that goes to the electrical module box. Check the continuity of this switch too. Keep us posted.
I gave you this information in Post# 2 before you went to buy a solenoid.
If you not sure how to check it, you need a "multimeter" you can buy at radio shack, or any automotive store,(Napa, Auto Zone). Read the instructions on how to check for continunity and where to set it. It is real simple to use. Once you get one and your still confused give me a shout and I'll get you on track. we'll get it figured out.