10 Hours service

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New Member
I just brought my new '04 GTX Ltd SC in for their 10 hours service at the dealer. They only have 8 and 11 hours on them. Can anyone tell me what gets done to the skis with this service. I got to the lake on Saturday after the service and had to replace the plugs on one of the skis and add oil to another.
Thanks for your help!!
Usually the plugs get replaced automatically, and the oil and filter gets changed. Everything gets a look over and tightened. The intake gets lubed inside and out also. If your in doubt...cal the dealer and raise heck. The oil level is suppose to be between the marks...not to the top or below the bottom...in the middle.

Thanks Karl, just as I thoght, they didn't change the plugs or the oil. I found out about the oil when the oil like came on and I idled it back to the dock. I found out about the plugs as soon as I slid them off the trailer and it ran like crap, or barely ran. I'm ticked. The whole reason I brought thew to the dealer was so I wouldn't have to do it with 20 people at my house sitting around waiting for me to fix the darned things. But you know, I've learned a good lesson in how to change the plugs myself. I'm going to raise a little H***!! Thanks again.
You just have to be carefully when you change the plugs to unclip the coil wire first and don't mix them up. Use the coil to remove the plugs and insert then after and before you tighten them down. Turn the new plug 1/4 turn after snug to compress the new washer seal on the plug. Loosen it, than just snug them down, Put a little grease on the plug cap where it touches the head and some neverseze on the threads so they come out easy next time.
Just some infor for you ...
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