06 rxt overheated, water in oil and cylinder

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New Member
i have an 06 rxt with 30 hrs with no problems till now. i pullled a tube around for 15 min, then let someone ride it. they came back in limp mode with overheating problem. they let it cool and tried to ride again, overheated again. when it cooled it would not start (turned over slow). found hose and housing for thermostat off. i replaced the hose and thermostat and still would not start. i then found water in all three cylinders and milky oil. i drained all water from engine, cleared the cylinders of water then refilled engine coolant, got engine running then checked cylinders again. water in cylinders again. im thinking head gasket at best. anyone else had similar problems and can i do this myself. i have better than average mechanical abilities.
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