05 RXP Maintenace Manual

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glm racers

New Member
Hi all, I've just joined the forum, and I have an 05 RXP that I'd like to know were I can purchase a maintenace manual.
Other than the yearly spark plug an oil/filter changes, I've not performed any other maintenace, which I'm sure there are other PM's that are in need.
well the info is in the regular owners manual so that is probably what you seek and Id suggest ebay, i bet a dealer can get you one too
becoming a Premium Member has all the manuals you could want as well, for free. They can be found elsewhere, but they are all in one place here.
Welcome to the forum....

Welcome glm racer....they are correct. Access to the premium section gives you complete use of the manual library.
But a large percent of the premium members started out just like you, as a jr. member. They didn't sign up just for the manual, they signed up to help support our efforts in establishing a community where Sea-Doo enthusiast can come in and ask questions and learn all about the use and operation of their "Doo's". Several members who had no idea what a RAVE was, now not only know, but can take it apart and clean it yearly as service dictates in the manual.
The premium members can recieve one on one help with their problems if that is needed but 99% of the problems are solved through the open forum.
Stick around a while, read, ask questions and maybe, when your comfortable and feel like you just attended a class in which you left with something, then maybe you'd like to give something back in return.
Membership is not mandatory and we (all members, moderators, and administrators) help all who come in seeking to either just meet people like minded or looking for a small fix.
Welcome to the forum. I'm glad your here.
Oh, you can find yearly maintenance on the ski's throughout the forum. there are seveal threads scattered here and there but we also have a thread dedicated to the 4-TEC engines (your engine).
Your correct Jon...

Your very correct Jon, but like I said, the premium service is what keeps the bills paid for people like you and me and all the other forum members to have a place to get together and share information. This is how we learn. From one another.
There is no-one here who is driving a Lamburgini (probably butchered that word) or getting rich off keeping this forum alive. That price barely keeps the bills paid for the upgrades to the server and the monthly fees. We just grew out of one server in the last 3 months and a new, larger server data base had to be purchased.
If we couldn't off set the cost of running. We probably couldn't survive.
BTW, none of us staff receive a paycheck from this. I have a job, this is only my hobby..........:cheers:
To add something to what Louis said( seadoosnipe) For the small amount it cost to have all the authentic Seadoo manuals available in one place is outstanding. If you purchased just one manual from a seadoo dealer it would cost you from what I have bought $80.00 for each publication. Like everything on this earth, someone has to pay for the lights to be on. In this case it is a great forum that everyone has free run of for a very small price to pay if you choose to contribute.
i got all my manuals free. i think i am missing 1. I got 3 from what i remember, but i think i was missing 1. I will find out which as i dive back into it soon! All the manuals i got were out on google somwhere. had to search for them, but they were there. The 1 i am missing, i will sign up as a premium member when i need it, only becuase i know its not out there for free :D
Signing up?

Jon, I think your still missing the point. Premium membership isn't all about the manuals.........It's a way for us to keep going.... You don't need the manual to fix something, you can ask a forum member.
These people you see in the forum who have a premium membership, it isn't so they can have the manuals, it's because they want to keep this web-site alive!...without it, we'd have to rely on another source to find our wanted/needed information. And from what I've seen and read on the internet, there isn't many people out there with the experience we have here!....I know several of these premium members who have shops and are mechanics on these crafts, they don't need these manuals.......they probably know how to do that repair by heart. They do it to support the cause this forum gives to others who are not quite mechanically apt to do the repairs on their own but smart enough to know that if they take it to a shop, they may really be paying for something they don't need. They come in, read, post and converse with some of these experienced mechanics and then, with confidence, do the repair themselves............I'm not going to name these premium members who are also mechanics, but if your on the forum long enough and have a small to serious problem with your Sea-Doo, I'm sure you learn quickly who they are. I've seen a jr. member come in and after going through the process of making a costly repair to their Doo, they became a premium member just to show their support. That's what it's about, community.
I'm sorry to make such a long post but it does annoy me that people think this forum is all about the money and the manuals..........it's not. It's a "gated" community, and most of us, if not all, are proud to be a part of it.............:rant:........:cheers:
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You said it all seadoosnipe. I joined months ago and find that the manuals are invaluable...but I still am a premium member just to support the forum. Yea, the manuals are very good, and in the beginning it made me feel like it was the only value I was getting, until I became an active member and realized how important this place is. I would rather spend a little money each month than to see tons of ads just to post a question, and maybe get a answer(emphases maybe) ...like other forums I have been on. This place is about people and not money, but we have to keep the site running too.:)

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