04 gtx sc drive shaft/impeller shaft problems

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I have a 04 gtx sc with a broken impeller shaft. I don't belive I hit anything or sucked up anything. I have the whole back end off(impeller assembly). At the out put of the motor is seem to have some play in it. How much is OK? Also is it possable to remove the impeller shaft with out the special tool. Any advice is great.
Welcome digger!

Wow, you must have been cranking some major speed to shear a shaft. When you ask for play, I assume your talking about the play in the shaft from the PTO through the hull to the impellor. Are you talking about axial play (pushing the shaft in and out) or are you talking about radial play (moving the shaft from side to side)? The impellor shaft itself has a small amout of axial play too that is taken up by a spring in the oil fill cap.
The shaft tool is really a must to remove the impellor. Once you get this tool, you should have the impellor housing on a bench, have a small propane torch to precisly and quickly heat the inside center of the impellor (where the splines are) to break the bond (bonded with Loctite). Then it should be fairly easy to remove (turned counterclockwise). The tool can be purchased through one of the advertisers you see to the left side of your screen on the main forum page when you sign in. I bought mine for about $20 bucks. And since I'm sure I'll be using it again at some point, it'll be money well spent. If you sheared your shaft, I'd be curious to know why. Outside of the impellor removal tool, you can do a pump rebuild with regular metric tools and one or two purchased items from your local auto parts store......
You will need a manual though due to close tolerances that have to be followed in re-assembly. You can gain advice and a full section on the manuals and "how to" in the Premimum members section. Good luck!
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Thanks seadoosnipe. The advice in much appricated. The pto shaft has play at the motor housing, lateral and horisonal. Could something have came apart inside the motor, causing the shaft to misalign and break at the splines inside the impeller?

I don't know about that. There are others in the forum running your type PWC, maybe they'll jump in here.
I know that after you remove your pump, you should be able to move the shaft from side to side a little because the pump end holds the bearings and alignment for that part of the shaft. You have it off, so there is nothing to hold it. Be careful not to pull it. Where it's splined to the PTO, there should be a boot that retains it in place.
I think, and when you get into your pump, it's likely that your bearings went bad in your pump and you locked it up causing the shear. Look at the splines to your impellor, do they look clean, no stripping? When you get the impellor off, let me know what you find. If your bearings did lock up your impellor shaft, there may be casing damage...........let's hope that's not true.
Write back, let us know what you find!.......
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not as bad???

Thanks again. I took my ski to my local dealer and they think I sucked up something. There is some damage on the impeller and the plastic thing around it. The bearing seems to be OK. They also said that the extra play is because the impeller and jet pump hold it from having play at the motor. I'm going to have them take a closer look. I will let you know whats up later.
Sounds like all bases were covered so far. Based on the damage you have to the pump, I would make sure to take a close look at the pump housing internal blades. This is also called the pump stator. If this is damaged, you will need to purchase a new pump housing. Sounds like for sure you will need a pump shaft, pump bearing, seals and a new wear ring. By the way, that pump should be packed with a waterproof grease and not the synthetic pump oil that the smaller pumps used. There is no filler plug to drain. You just remove the three screws on the cone and pull it off. You will need to completely remove the internal components and clean the old grease out to get rid of any debris the bearings or shaft made. If you decide to rebuild it yourself, PM me and I will tell you the easy way to install the double bearing. Can be tricky....
Good point!

Good point Don, I wonder if I can change from the oil to the grease?.......
Glad to see you come in and help diggerboy out......I own the old stuff, this newer stuff I'm noticing can be a lot different...........:cheers:

My dealer told me that I should be able to claim the broken shaft on my insurance. They said that they do it all the time.The insurance company came out to look at it an concluded that the shaft broke in a way that is was a flaw in the shaft. It was not a clean break. It was existing flaw with no impact at all. This sucks. Does anyone know if Sea Doo had any problems with the shafts?

Wow, what a bummer about the shaft. It's not really that expensive a part though. Bout $175 for a new one...........I say not expensive, but I guess it really is if your always broke like me!.........
Try $1300 for the dealer to fix. I NOT doing that. Online discounted parts about $580., less the impeller. This sucks. My first ski and a huge problem!
Way to much!

That is a really high price to pay for repairs...........I saw that cause I have't ever used a repair shop. I'm almost 49 years old and have worked on my engines to everything I've owned my entire life. From my first car (1949 Dodge) to my present truck, car, lawn equipment and my baby (Seadoo Challenger). Maybe Don, as a mechanic/owner of his shop can tell you if this is a fair price. I"m really shocked.
If you look on the forums main page, look to the left and you'll see our advertisers listed. One of them sells parts. That's where I found your shaft for about $175.
If you pull your pump like outlined above and because the shaft damage could have damaged your impellor and bearings, follow the guidelines that Don set out, you should be able to determine the extent of damage and make repairs for a lot less than what you quoted as a price. Though you'll have to order the impellor removal tool, most everything else can be done with a few extra purchases from your local auto parts store.
You will need the manual so that you can follow the step by step procedures in doing this yourself. Although it really isn't too difficult, there are tolerances in the bearings that have to be followed when re-building.
Good luck and keep me informed as to what's going on!....I'll help you all I can.
BTW, you can get a refurbished impellor for $25 with a core trade in.
new learning curve

Try $1300 for the dealer to fix. I NOT doing that. Online discounted parts about $580., less the impeller. This sucks. My first ski and a huge problem!

Don't fret it ...look at it this way If you have any mechanical ability, you can repair this your self. Just be sure you have a manual handy and read the procedure end to end to understand what you have to do. Besure you have the proper tools. Take your time and double check what you are doing. It can be a fun process and save you a lot of money. If you get in a Jam, you can always post here and I'm sure you'll find the answer you need.
P.S. If you join as premum member you can download and print the pages of the manual you need and have them handy...
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Thanks for all the feed back. I have a friend helping me with the repair. I'm wating for the parts to be delivered. Meanwhile I used my old impeller shaft as a impeller removal tool.It worked great.
Adapt and overcome!

:rofl:I had a spare shaft and got rid of it when I trashed the boat. When it came time to rebuild my pump, I thought of the same thing. THen thought how stupid of me to trash it (it was warped and not usuable). THat's when I decided to become a pack rat to the seadoo parts I now have on hand!...
Way to go diggerboy... diversification!! Good job..

Heck, speaking of spear parts, I have huge collection of stock Kawasaki Jetski takeoff parts, nuts bolts,+ used and abused parts just incase..lol
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